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Samsung HLS5687WX DLP

Post by pittsgutta » Thu Dec 10, 2009 5:07 am

I have had my TV set for over 2 years now and about 1 year ago I went through my 1st bulb replacement but here recently I have been having a few issues and alo there are a few others things I would like to address to make sure I am not having any furthur issues.

#1: In the past 2 weeks, my TV set has randomly started cutting off after about 2 hours of watching TV. I turn it back on and no problems.

#2: Do all Color Wheels on DLPS eventually go out? If so, how much is the replacement part?

#3: How do you know when a bulb is bad?

#4: When I turn my tv on, ever since I have had to tv i get this laser sound like a zzzzzzzrrr zzzrr zzzzzzzzzzrrrr. Is that normal? I have always had it.

#5: Why is my green light under bulb always blink?

Thanks for any help! And I am glad to be apart of this forum!


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Re: Samsung HLS5687WX DLP

Post by Jason1976 » Fri Dec 11, 2009 4:17 pm

I had issues with a samsung 43" dlp that would stay on for many hours at a time. and then it would turn off. here it had bad solder joints in the power supply. after resoldering them the tv works great. normaly if the lamp is bad you get no video or the tv turns off right away. and when color wheels go bad ether the tv wont turn on or they make a buzzing or a noisy fan kind of sound.

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Post by KiafUp » Mon Dec 26, 2022 3:45 pm

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