I bought a used unit from a very nice lady who told me she had recently had the color wheel replace on this set. At the time of the repair, the service man told her she would soon need a lamp. So, it turns out, she is moving and the lamp went out (picture got dim, then gone, but she claims to have had sound). She sold me the set because there would be no room for it in her new location. Brought it home, ordered a new bulb (Philips), replaced the bulb, no problem. Plugged in the set, pressed the power on button and....nothing! Not a sound of any kind. No clicks, pops, whistles, etc! There are no LEDs lit on the front panel. If I look into the back of the set, there is a bright green LED lit approximately in the center, about 1/3 of the way up from the bottom. This light stays on as long as the set is plugged in. The power on/off button does nothing.
Anyone have any thoughts? I don't think I am doing anything wrong. The lamp cover is on securely.
Thanks, IrvR.
Moderator: Angel
Re: Samsung HLN617WX/Xaa will not power on
Ok, so I am replying to my own post
Seems that you need to turn this set on using the remote control! The power on/off button is apparantly just a standby/off type power switch. Since I had not gotten the remote with the TV, I could not try it until I programmed my Harmony with the Samsung. Hitting power on on the remote, turned the set on and it is working great with the new lamp. Thanks to anyone who spent time thinking about this for me. IrvR.

Re: Samsung HLN617WX/Xaa will not power on
you should go into the service menu and reset the lamp hours. mute 1 8 2 power on the remote. It will also give you an idea of how many hours of use the tv has if the lady never reset it.