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hl67a750 vertical band down side of screen

Post by Rogeyrogue79 » Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:45 pm

Wondering if anyone has any input on my situation. I purchased my hl67a750 set in june of 2008. I have loved this set ever since I saw it at my local TV store in feb of 08, and had to have it. I did my homework on LED engine DLPS, saved my pennies and purchased it through Amazon.com. The picture quality is amazing, I use my xbox 360, PS3, and DishNetork HD reciever connected HDMI and my Wii through componant cables. It was so easy to set up and all my friends are jealous of the size and PQ. Everything was hunky dorey until last night when I went to watch new episode of Burn Notice. about half way through, a 2 1/2 inch vertical shadowed line appeared on the left hand side of the screen. You can see through it, it's not a solid bar, more like a tinting of sorts. edge of line (towards center of TV) has a red/green line to it. ( I can post picture if you want to see). Needless to say I was panicked. I stopped the recording, switched over to my xbox and line was still there. It's on all the inputs. I unplugged everythign from TV , disconnected the power cable and went to bed. thinking maybe a power cycle would do the trick. I got up this morning and just plugged in the power cable and turned the power on the set. black line still there. I did some research on the nets and found that older models of samsung dlps have had issues with a light tunnel? whatever that is. it's a big deal with them i guess, class action lawsuit and the whole nine yards. Samsung is eating the cost for repair on the older sets, but after contacting them this morning, the informed me that my set was not a model affected by that , and that since out of warranty, the best they could do was call autorized repair person and have them come check it out. No troubleshooting steps, no price on what it could be,nothing, just said it needed "service". UGH. Repair shop called a hour later and it's a $125 out call fee ( i live almost 200 miles from them) $40 per hour labor, plus whatever parts needed replaced. They had no clue what the problem would be, said something about a light engine ($500). Since the football games this weekend, and UFC feb 6th and superbowl feb 7th, I want to get this taken care of ASAP. very frustrated that I can get superior image quality, but only for brief lifespan of this device. any info anyone has would be appreciated. Has anyone experience this issue with the HL67A750 or the HL61A750.
Last edited by Rogeyrogue79 on Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: hl67a750 horizontal band down side of screen

Post by Eddie » Fri Jan 22, 2010 10:09 pm

Sounds like a light tunnel.

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Re: hl67a750 horizontal band down side of screen

Post by Eddie » Fri Jan 22, 2010 10:10 pm

Can you post a picture? I'd like to have one for the site. We get this question often, but no pics.. also never for LED DLPs!

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