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Samsung HLP5063W Reboot 3 times then 3 light blink
Hello people.My HLP5063WX/XAA after remplace the lamp have same simptomps,my new lamp is the square lamp with the new small housing,seller says no problem with this is the same voltage oem ok.My tv if you power on you ear one loud click on ballast then 2 more loud clicks in the other side of the tv and then one sound like pacman game (not exact
) the lamp light blinking and the tv automatic reseting 3 times flashing the lamp light,after flashing lamp light and reset automatic 3 times then have 3 lights blinking (lamp,Stanby,timer)

Last edited by rtech on Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Samsung HLP5063W after change the lamp same prblem
There is a couple things to check, first check to see if you need to reset the lamp timer manually the tv manual should have the code, specially if the indicator light is on.
Keep in mind that the clicking is from the ballast possibly not able to produce enough voltage. Check the lamp timer first
Keep in mind that the clicking is from the ballast possibly not able to produce enough voltage. Check the lamp timer first

Re: Samsung HLP5063W after change the lamp same prblem
Already try to reset the lamp timer but the tv cannot enter to this menu,is imposible enter because if you turn the tv automaticaly light of lamp blinking,i decide open the tv to chek the color wheel,here is the photos of my color wheeldarkart77 wrote:There is a couple things to check, first check to see if you need to reset the lamp timer manually the tv manual should have the code, specially if the indicator light is on.
Keep in mind that the clicking is from the ballast possibly not able to produce enough voltage. Check the lamp timer first

Last edited by rtech on Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Samsung HLP5063W after change the lamp same prblem
NOTE: this new test is with having the same simptoms on my first post Replying to myself,today have time to test with the tv one more time,i cleaned the color wheel and put Electronic Cleaner in the motor of color wheel and spin with the hand no have wik wik sound,ok them mount all parts and have the same problem,i decided found the origin of low cliks sounds,before the cliks you hear a 2 low sounds like a car horn from analog board,then the clik click cliclik clik clik clikik
is a (example) click in this secuence,i removed the power of all fans 1 first and then the other 2 fan and found the same cliks ok,now im disconected the 3 blank cables plug of color wheel and have same sound,then i removed the brown ribon cable of the color wheel and the cliks they disappeared,only hear the 2 like a car horn low sounds and the clicks no,i need mention with all normally connected and after the tv reboot 3 times with the lamp light blinking and then have 3 lights static blinckin the fans continues on with the 3 lights blink but the clicks clickclik cliks dissapeared ,any help is apreciated.

Re: Samsung HLP5063W after change the lamp same prblem
Now if you connect the tv power on automatically,although not have a lot of electronic experience with a multimeter measures the output of the power supply to the ballast and have me 342 V on multimeter,tell me so I guess that is throwing me the correct voltage to the ballast?, at power tv heard three clicks, the first is come from the supply and the other two clicks on the other side on digital and analog board of tv, my question is whether these two clicks on the other side are normal in the ignition, my suspicions lean more to the color wheel or ballast, any help or contribute something thanks
Re: Samsung HLP5063W Reboot 3 times then 3 light blink
I found this info in other website talking about the problem The small flicker could be the Dynamic Black Module, this device keeps light leakage from around the light tunnel, put your ear on the set and listen for a noise, if it is the module going bad, then it will start making a sound like a hard drive failure on a computer my question is, what is the Dinamic black Module?
Re: Samsung HLP5063W Reboot 3 times then 3 light blink
Update: today arrived my new color wheel and now the tv run fine and working fine,already fix my tv,i found if you have bad color wheel motor the tv no come to the menu because the color wheel not running,the color wheel need run to access the menu and power on the lamp,thanks to all on this forum