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Need to replace my color wheel on my 50" HLR5064WX

Post by fixmysamsung » Tue Jan 19, 2010 2:08 am

OK here goes... Samsung newbie here, but I have removed the color wheel assembly without any problems.

Here's a description of my 2005 Samsung DLP: 50", model # HLR5064WX/XAC , Version PW01

The black plastic housing over the color wheel says: "New Color Wheel - To Be matched the Option 'CW2' for CCA" <-- might be the Canadian reference, I'm not sure

I have a broken color wheel and need to get a replacement. The hub is a silver one with the tiny torx (at least they look like it) screws. I've followed some links including this one from DM Merchant , which describes the gold hub and there are a few messages indicating that you had to get the entire housing.
So here are my questions:
1. Can someone tell me how to find the light engine # (edit: I spotted a big sticker on the bottom of the chassis that reads: L3 - 05 - 49 - 01402 PHIL Is the L3 the light engine # ?)

2. Will I need to get the whole assembly or does any vendor have the 'silver' hub model?

3. Has anyone else have the sticker on the color wheel cover and what impact does the CW2 mean for me?
(the parts order desk have nothing regarding it - only matching light engine codes)

4. Given the above information, what's my best option for replacing it and where to order? (I'm in Ontario, Canada)

Any help would be appreciated and I'd rather do the work myself, but securing the right part is critical. I only want to order once. Thanks in advance. Michael

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Re: Need to replace my color wheel on my 50" HLR5064WX

Post by Jason1976 » Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:24 am

www.samsungparts.com and find the part number. Then ceck discount mrchant to see if their price is lower. Also check ebay.

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Re: Need to replace my color wheel on my 50" HLR5064WX

Post by Eddie » Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:19 pm

I'm pretty sure you can type it into Discount-Merchant.com and still come up with the right product.

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Post by UgofUp » Tue Jan 03, 2023 5:54 am

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