Hi, So I'm new to this forum (4th post?). I have a WD 73732 that I acquired when someone put it out to the trash. The set played beautifully for about 1 to 2 hours (In my 65 degree garage), then the colors would go off (purple faces), and I would get flickering / flashing in the picture. I read a lot of the info on this forum and others, and saw how many people were having this problem. Before I go further let me tell you a little about me. I've been into electronics since I was a kid, I went to college for electronics, I worked as a TV service tech for 20+ years, I service 2 way radios, audio gear, microwaves, whatever. I build radio equipment, amps transmitters, etc. I'm also a licensed ham, and I have an extensive test bench in my home. Not being one to back away from a challenge, and being I got the set for free, I gutted the set, and wired it up on the bench. I scoped out some key points on the light engine, and let her rip! After about 45 minutes, the color went out, and the picture started to flash. One of the waveforms I was monitoring at the color wheel went way out, and as the flashing got more violent, the waveform got more distorted. Honestly, I kind of expected this.
Figuring this was thermal, I went right to the sensor on the color wheel. There is an external sensor, it looks to be a hall effect sensor on a small circuit board next to the color wheel motor hub. I carefully sprayed the sensor with a small amount of freeze spray, and as expected, the picture jumped right back to normal as did the waveform. I then left the cover off the color wheel (it was hot in there when I removed it), and the set continued to function normally for the rest of the evening. I will perform this test one more time just to verify, then I will remove the color wheel, and attempt to ID the part, and a suitable replacement. Bear in mind we're talking about a few dollar part. If this truly fixes the problem, I'll be quite happy. I then might try to modify the color wheel cover to get some cooling air in there. It can't hurt. I hope this helps some of you out, but don't go ripping into your light engines quite yet! I only just diagnosed this, and I want to make sure it solves the problem. Meanwhile, check out the pictures. I shot some video, and I'm planning to post it on youtube (whe I get time).