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HL61A650C1 sound out and verticle lines

Post by gtcapron » Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:30 pm

Hi all,

Great forum, good to see help available for these frustrating issues. All of you provide a wonderful service - too bad Samsung does not do as well.

I was asked to work on a HL61A650C1FXZA for a friend, the issue initially was that it would not come on at all. I found that the lamp door switch was faulty - currently have that jumpered and will replace it before the repair is complete.

The set does turn on now and functions wonderfully for a while but seems to succome to heat related issues. :?:

If the back is on, it will run for a time (up to 1/2 hr) the sound will go out and then after another period of time (varies but around 15 minutes) the set begins to reboot several times in succession, sometimes successfully displaying a picture but ultimately displaying the 3 flashing lights.

With the back off the behavior changes a little, still have the 1/2 hr of correct function then the sound goes out but instead of the reboot sequence verticle lines appear like this:
HL61A650 picture malfunction.JPG
HL61A650 picture malfunction.JPG (61.59 KiB) Viewed 1781 times
If I pull up the menu the lines go through it as well. However, if I power off the set and power it back on (don't need to unplug it) the lines disappear and the picture is restored. This seems to happen occasionally and at random intervals but the set seems to be able to run indefinately as I have left it on for entire days albeit no sound. Sound does not come back untill the set sits for a while off (presumably to cool down sufficiently).

Any ideas or suggestions as to the malfunctioning parts would be greatly appreciated!
Greg Capron

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Re: HL61A650C1 sound out and verticle lines

Post by grayfox » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:58 pm

if after trying out all the inputs, you still get this distortion, this seems like a DMD board issue...
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Post by JanefUp » Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:52 pm

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