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Horizontal Bars

Post by bmachia » Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:04 pm

Hello All,
I’m rather new here, but have enjoyed your postings\conversations. I’m researching a problem with my DLP, and thought I might ask.

I have a 3 year old Samsung DLP HLS6187W.

Each day, when we turn the TV on there are ‘Alternating Purple and Grey Horizontal bars’. They cover the entire screen and are approximately ¾” wide.

If I turn the TV off, unplug the set, wait 15-20 seconds to plug it back in and turn it on, the bars go away and the set will run fine for the remainder of the day or until we turn it off for an extended period of time.

From reading your web site, I’m wondering of this could be the DMD board. Can anyone concur or offer some suggestions?

If this is a DMD PCB, how difficult is it to swap out and can anyone help me find the part number as-well-as an honorable place to buy the replacement? I'm a Ham Operator and comfortable inside Radios and TV's.


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Re: Horizontal Bars

Post by darkart77 » Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:45 pm

If you get green vertical bars or green dots in the picture and in the menu screen (DMD symptom)
If you get green vertical bars or green dots in the picture but not in the menu screen (Digital board symptom
as far as replacing the boards yourself, it can be done if you have experience, welcome to it. However keep in mind that most of the refurbished retailers don't offer a warranty for none repair shop clients.
the best way to get the part you need w/ out having to worry about the part not being the right one.
discount-Merchant.com might have the part if they do, it'd be fairly inexpensive.

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Post by AmyfUp » Tue Dec 27, 2022 3:39 pm

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