Samsung HLS5687WX DLP
Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 5:07 am
I have had my TV set for over 2 years now and about 1 year ago I went through my 1st bulb replacement but here recently I have been having a few issues and alo there are a few others things I would like to address to make sure I am not having any furthur issues.
#1: In the past 2 weeks, my TV set has randomly started cutting off after about 2 hours of watching TV. I turn it back on and no problems.
#2: Do all Color Wheels on DLPS eventually go out? If so, how much is the replacement part?
#3: How do you know when a bulb is bad?
#4: When I turn my tv on, ever since I have had to tv i get this laser sound like a zzzzzzzrrr zzzrr zzzzzzzzzzrrrr. Is that normal? I have always had it.
#5: Why is my green light under bulb always blink?
Thanks for any help! And I am glad to be apart of this forum!

#1: In the past 2 weeks, my TV set has randomly started cutting off after about 2 hours of watching TV. I turn it back on and no problems.
#2: Do all Color Wheels on DLPS eventually go out? If so, how much is the replacement part?
#3: How do you know when a bulb is bad?
#4: When I turn my tv on, ever since I have had to tv i get this laser sound like a zzzzzzzrrr zzzrr zzzzzzzzzzrrrr. Is that normal? I have always had it.
#5: Why is my green light under bulb always blink?
Thanks for any help! And I am glad to be apart of this forum!