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HLN5065W1 remote volume doesn't work

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:05 pm
by jennmanski
I have an HLN5065W1 that I bought new several years ago. Never had any problems. Just the other day, whenever I try to turn the volume up or down using the remote (both the remote that came with the tv and the satellite remote that is programmed to the tv) I get a box on the screen that says "Not Available". The "Not Available" keeps blinking on the screen until I change the volume using the button on the tv itself. The volume doesn't change at all when I use a remote. I also cannot turn the tv on or off with either remote, I have to use the button on the tv. The remote works for anything else, such as getting to the menu screen or changing channels, mute. I have also noticed occasionally that the same "Not Available" comes on the screen when I'm watching something I've recorded on the dvr. When I attempt to use the volume or power buttons, the top light blinks on the front of the tv, under the word "timer".


Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 10:15 am
by PaulfUp