Samsung white dot syndrome
Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:09 am
3 year old Samsung dlp model HL-S4676S. A few weeks ago a couple of white dots appeared on screen, within a week that grew to ten. the dots are now accelerating their proliferation and we are up to 50 or so at the moment. I reading some posts on another site a reply, with the link to this site via the avatar, it seems the dmd chip may be the culprit. The description is the chip contains a multitude of mirrors that change positions. Is this a dust related problem that can be cleaned? Or is it a very small electronic chip that can be replaced? Or is this a chip that is intregal with an associated board that can be replaced? If so where can I purchase the necessary part (s) and any installation instructions. My skill level is advanced mechanical but basic testing and no theory. 6 months ago I repaired my daughters LG tv, had a common problem with substandard capacitors on the power board that I replaced the two caps that breached and sprayed the interior of the cabinet. Any help would be appreciated. thanks