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HLN507W won't turn BACK ON if just turned off

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:44 pm
by shellbhawaii
I've read a lot about people who's TVs are turning off randomly,and talk of replacement lamps, etc. Our problem is a bit different.

If our TV has been on for any period of time,and we turn it off, you cannot turn it back on for several hours. When we try, we get the "jingle" and initial buzz of power, and the green flashing lights, but not that second sound which usually means the picture will come on. This problem started after we'd had a power outage during a storm last year. Even though we have a surge protector on it, the whole house went, then came back. But, ever since, it's as though we have to let it "rest" after being on. Even if it was only on for 15 - 30 minutes. We have to wait at least 5 hrs before it will come back on.

We've replaced our lamp, but our problem continues.
Any ideas?

Re: HLN507W won't turn BACK ON if just turned off

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 8:00 pm
by sc6lou
Since your TV is powering up and you have a picture. It is awhile before it shut down. The TV is heating up and that is what is shutting it down. When it cools you can turn it on. blow all the dust out of the back of the TV. When dust builds up it will make the TV over heat.

Re: HLN507W won't turn BACK ON if just turned off

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:21 am
by shellbhawaii
I had thought it might be an overheating issue, but when I read about taking apart the back of the TV, I have to admit it was a bit intimidating. Do I really need to take out all the screws and pull the guts out, or can I just blast the area with compressed air, without open heart surgery?

THANKS for your reply.


Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 4:47 am
by JanefUp