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Samsung HL-P6163W Wacky

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:15 am
by MikeW
My Samsung 61" DLP is about 7 years old, has worked great, nice picture, etc
Well tonight, it made a noise like a disc flew off somewhere, like a whirling rattle, LOUD then the loud rattle noise went away. The the pictue lost most of the color and began to dim and return, like in time to 60 cycle hum. Turned it off, turned it back on. When it came back on the front lights flashed, but the screen never illuminated and could not get it to turn off. Finally unplugged it. I replaced the lamp well over a year ago and it has been fine?
Wacky huh? Any ideas?


Re: Samsung HL-P6163W Wacky

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:18 pm
by BYO
This sounds like you had a Color Wheel Shattered :? , Follow this guide to double check if it is shattered. ... 01579a.php

If you open it and is broken, you can purchase it from our sponsor: ... cw-enc.htm

Hope this info gets you in the right track ;) ....!!


Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 11:59 am
by SuefUp