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HL56A650 Turns off and on - argg

Post by mdnuts » Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:40 pm

Hi folks,

I've googled and searched a ton on this issue. well first. here's what happened.

Watching tv and the house power flickered a few times over the span of 15 minutes or so. Then the DLP started restarting itself and would keep doing it until I unplugged it.

When first starting, the green lights light up on the front, you hear the startup chime, and it'll have the big checking input message. Then power off after about 5 seconds and the cycle repeats.

I got a new bulb (after trying to reseat the old one. and no effect.

I see here that it may be the ballast board or power board. ... =10&t=1559

But when mine's turned on all I hear is the whir of the fan turning on and various clicks.

Getting married in a month so can't afford a new tv and can't afford a repairman. Is there anyway to test to see if it's the ballast board or the power board or both?


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Re: HL56A650 Turns off and on - argg

Post by mdnuts » Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:26 pm

couple bits of additional info.

When it initially happened. I smelled a really odd smell.

Opening up the back, the clicks I hear appeared to come from the power supply board side.
All fans turn on okay
I put a multimeter to the cord going from the power board to the ballast, and it registered 66 - 67volts (should it be in the 300 range?).

I pulled the power board out and the caps all look intact.

On the ballast board, the one cap does show very slightly split on the top.

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Re: HL56A650 Turns off and on - argg

Post by wamp73 » Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:36 am

I have this same problem except my voltage to the ballast is reading in the 207 to 218 range. I checked the voltage with the cord connected and it would read in the same range while the bulb was lit (207-218ish), but when the bulb would initially fire up after cycling off the voltage would spike to right around 300 for about a second and the bulb would be on and the voltage would drop. The capacitor on the ballast board the (47uf) blew about 4 weeks ago. I replaced the capacitor and it worked for about 4 weeks then blew again today. Anyone know a surefire way to test the power supply or is how I did it right? Also I did replace the bulb the first time around so I'm pretty sure it isn't tied to my problem. Any help is appreciated.

Samsung HL56A650C1FXZA

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Post by AlanfUp » Mon Aug 21, 2023 11:38 pm

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