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Wavy lines and smears in picture

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:53 am
by noakes
Recently changed the color wheel in the set due to gross green areas of the picture. Prior to changing I could not get a red line when in service mode in DDP1011 screen under delay. The new wheel fixed that.

The lines are usually moving throughout the picture. Their most common appearance is in large single colored areas.

Re: Wavy lines and smears in picture

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:03 pm
by grayfox
Hello, I think we spoke on a different discussion! ;)

If this seems to be happening on all inputs, I am leaning more towards this being an issue with your DMD board. Yet if those green blotches are gone, this can simply be an issue with your Digital video board..

Re: Wavy lines and smears in picture

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 11:19 pm
by noakes
Hello Grayfox, yes this is a continuation of my picture problems. The color wheel change did make a big
difference though.

The blotches as in the pictures above are still present.
Also these appear both in analog input and digital (cable and HDMI).

The wavy lines are present usually during light scenes and constantly move with the video.

Lines change color usually green on white or light background and dark on red background.

DMD, Video? Is there any other troubleshooting technique I can use to further define what the
problem may be?

Re: Wavy lines and smears in picture

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:41 pm
by grayfox
hello again!
well you beat me to the punch and tried out analog vx digital signals which would have been my next move...
since analog inputs go through a digital video board before the dmd and digital signals go straight to the dmd that rules out the DV board.
now if you have had issues with the color wheel, the power supply can be frying them out... its logical if its malfunctioned before and a cheaper way to diagnose without calling a tech,
A DMD board can be the cause of all this if the colorwheel if working properly, but it is an expensive fix 200-300$ relatively (again I buy my customers at since you have to purchase a complete light engine with the DMD board :(

Re: Wavy lines and smears in picture

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:19 pm
by noakes
So what you are saying is that the analog signals go through both the analog and the digital boards but the digital signals are fed directly
to the DMD. If this is correct then both digital and analog boards are not suspect but the dmd board and the mirror chip are (as is the power
supply). Is this correct.

This set already had a color wheel with air bearings, don't know if this means anything.

I take it the only real way to verify the power supply is ok is to substitute a known good supply.
I could make connections to the present supply and take measurements with the set running.
I do have diagnostic equipment although they are of the older school, tektronix 7000 series, tek TX3 meter, tm500 series.
Never got in to the digital troubleshooting arena with specialized equipment.

I do not know what the power supply outputs should look like, pure dc? I will look for another power supply and go from there.

I have noticed lately that the flesh areas of the pictures are the most often affected with green wavy lines. An odd configuration exists
when the picture is all light as in some commercials when green ellipses appear! Just thought I'd add this.

Re: Wavy lines and smears in picture

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:59 pm
by grayfox
You are correct on all accounts, however I would not start replacing the power supply as a first since, if it is malfunctioning in a way it can damage the colorwheel, it has already done so, following that logic I would try the colorwheel first.
Also I forgot to mention the overall Analog input board might be causing these distortions from the get go so I cannot rule that one out completely... any other tech out there care to chime in???

Re: Wavy lines and smears in picture

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:57 pm
by noakes
Grayfox, don't forget this is a new color wheel. I originally had intense green 'borders'
around segments of the picture.

This condition started immediately after installation of the new color wheel, there was no
period where the picture was clean.

From what we've discussed I take it that the digital board is for the a/d conversion of the
analog signal, the DMD board accepts the digital input from the outside world as is, correct?

Re: Wavy lines and smears in picture

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:20 am
by grayfox
yes and no, all inputs are plugged directly into an input board that is usually called the analog video board, so even though the signal does not need reach the DV board it HAS to pass through an input board that can be faulty.
I am starting to lean to the DMD board for some reason, (its so hard to diagnose a tv over a forum!) these symptoms bring me back a dejavu if you will of a past client...

Re: Wavy lines and smears in picture

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:53 am
by noakes
So the only real common board after signal processing is the DMD board.
I am assuming the input board doesn't do much to the digital signal that would cause
the same effects to both inputs.

I haven't checked yet with the supplier you deal with, the light engine contains the DMD
board and a mirror chip?
Are there any 'common' symptoms for the mirror chip going bad?

Don't know about your previous client. This tv is my first experience with DLP. Interesting
technology using a color wheel with mirrors; reminds me of the early attempts at using motorized
discs for tv.

I am in the southern tier of NYS.

Re: Wavy lines and smears in picture

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:56 pm
by grayfox
true, and the DMD board will come attached to the complete light engine, (DMD, light tunnel, projector lens, etc).

Yes if you take a look at the last image you posted that one, along with the fact all inputs are affected, points directly to the DMD board (includes the digital micro mirrors, hence the name)
... what is your complete TV model number?

Re: Wavy lines and smears in picture

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:15 pm
by noakes
The model no. is HLP4663XA/XAA as far as I kow that is the complete no.

Re: Wavy lines and smears in picture

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:01 am
by grayfox

Re: Wavy lines and smears in picture

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 6:46 pm
by noakes
Grayfox and all,
I found a used light engine from a working set that was being parted out, they noted
the color wheel was very noisy.
Got the whole thing for 140, not the best price from my perspective but still workable.
Replaced the color wheel with the new one I purchased a month ago, the one that came
with the used engine was actually broken - had to vacuum small pieces of wheel out of
the light tunnel.
Set works fine now. Don't know for how long as the parts are used.
I am guessing I had a problem that had two components bad. The new color wheel made a
significant difference in the picture but didn't fix it, the 'new' DMD board and chip resolved the
wavy erratic lines that were going through the picture.

Thanks to all who commented on this.

Re: Wavy lines and smears in picture

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:56 pm
by grayfox
and hey now that you are more knowledgeable you can repeat! craiglist a bad DLP buy the part needed and use it ;)
thanks to all who posted as well!


Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 12:34 am
by SuefUp