samsunghl- p4663w problem please help
Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:02 pm
My tv turns on and the picture looks great and sounds great, but after about 3 to 5 mins the picture starts to get blotchy. sound is still good. starts flashing white lines and then a blue film over the top. sound is still good. it starts to have a picture over picture and is getting worse. sound is still good. picture is jumping and is getting worse. a whole bunch of colors now but still can see the words and now is turning red and picture is jumpy. its been about 10 mins since I turned tv on. it is now a green picture and very jumpy, sound is still good. I tried to turn it off, but it wont let me. the only way is to pull the plug. picture is very jumpy and seems to be moving across the screen with alot of red, green color. This doesnt seem like a lamp problem to me. what do you think the problem could be?