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black and white dots all over screen
Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:25 am
by inky
I had my Samsung HL5075S for 3 years now and still love it. About 2 months ago a few white spots the size of eraser heads showed up on the left side followed by a couple black spots. both the white and black spots flicker once in awhile so if a dark movie is on it looks like stars shimmering in the sky. I had assumed that a lizard had gotten inside and pooped on the screen or lens. Over the period of 2 weeks it has now covered the entire screen to the point that it's difficult to read or watch anything anymore. I finally had time today to disassemble the screen expecting to find a mess of poo but it was relatively clean. got a few pieces off and on to the lens. That was clean so I pulled the bulb and found a bunch of almost rust like flakes on the reflector. I scraped all of it off and wiped it down with alcohol to keep it clean and oil free. I took a peek in to look at the color wheel and from what I could see it looked alright. I put it back together and it looks exactly the same.....
Any insight on what might be causing the spots to be there and keep on multiplying?

Re: black and white dots all over screen
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:05 am
by mvlighthouse
I had the same problem with my Samsung DLP. According to my research, it's the DMD chip. Depending on you model number, Samsung has agreed to pay for a 'one-time' repair. Call Samsung's toll free number and give the operator your model number. They should get you fixed up. As for me...Samsung sent out a local company to replace the chip but they have not been able to fix the problem yet. I will follow up with the post I placed on the forum last week. Good luck!
Re: black and white dots all over screen
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:07 am
by mvlighthouse
See my post entitled "DMD Chip Replaced Now Lamp Will Not Work".
Re: black and white dots all over screen
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:17 am
by inky
LOL! I just got done taking my TV apart again to get to the bottom of things and since I figured I can't see anything out of this set now no harm in doing a full disassembly of the unit without any instructions
I got it fully taken apart and after shining a light through to find the source of spots arrived at the DMD unit.

If you look closely you can see the dots, they look like they're etched in there. Anyway, after researching the part number I found numerous posts about this problem and called Samsung to get the free repair. Then I come knew the answers all along! HAHAHAHA!! Next time I'll wait for an answer before I go tearing into things(but it was fun figuring how this thing works)
Thanks mvlighthouse for the info! I read your post and I hope everything works out for you with getting that lamp to work.
Re: black and white dots all over screen
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:20 am
Re: inky
Hey I have the same white spot problems...what was the part # of the DMD so I can call Samsung for "one time" replacement instead of me taking it all apart to locate it? Thx..
Re: black and white dots all over screen
Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:05 am
by inky
Sorry, never got the part number. My repair place absolutely refused to work on the tv unless they did all the work. I told them I just want the part and I'll replace it myself cause it was honestly not difficult to R&R it and they seemed to have taken offense that I was saying their job is not difficult. LOL. lesson learned.
They ended up showing up at my house 3 days later and changing it out. Took about 15 minutes and was completely covered by Samsung. Happy times!
Re: black and white dots all over screen
Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:07 am
Hi..even if it's way out of warranty they will replace it free? Some kind of defect they knew about?
inky wrote:Sorry, never got the part number. My repair place absolutely refused to work on the tv unless they did all the work. I told them I just want the part and I'll replace it myself cause it was honestly not difficult to R&R it and they seemed to have taken offense that I was saying their job is not difficult. LOL. lesson learned.
They ended up showing up at my house 3 days later and changing it out. Took about 15 minutes and was completely covered by Samsung. Happy times!
Re: black and white dots all over screen
Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:59 pm
by inky
Yup, yup. My warranty was gone but there is a class action lawsuit against Samsung so I guess part of the settling of that was that Samsung would have to do a one time fix for free regardless if the tv is still under warranty or not, parts and service as long as it's a covered model and that is the specific problem. If it's another problem in addition to the dots they will charge you. I believe I found all the info on Samsung's website so you can double check.
Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2023 3:17 pm
by SuefUp