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62HM95 powering off randomly! Please Help!

Post by vapowells » Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:05 am

I have a 62HM95 with a D95-LMP lamp. recently replaced, within the last 30 days. The last few days it has been loosing video and going to the Control panel light code of "Red and Green blinking continuously at 1-second intervals" which indicates the lamp is not working after 8th auto restart. Its strange because it happens while watching TV. So i sit down turn on the TV, watch Tv for a little while, then it shuts of and goes straight to blinking the 2 light. press power button, and my picture comes right back and light go to steady Red, indicting its on, then it happens again, power button and picture is restored... so on and so on until i get sick of it and leave it off.

**i must add that the color is perfect, no discoloration no streaking, picture is perfect then black, and perfect when i power back on.

I am wondering what might be causing this and any suggestion on what i can try to trouble shoot.

It just seems so strange that it jump straight to the code of "after 8 restarts" its right after the picture goes out, then i can bring it right back.

Also, i noticed, i have mine set up to stay on a little while after power off, i have kids who sometimes turn the TV of. anyway, i noticed that prior to now, my green light would blink until the tv powered all the way off, now it blinks maybe 2 time then it all the way off. not to influence anyone's answers but only thing i can think of is the ballast... How would i test that theory?


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Re: 62HM95 powering off randomly! Please Help!

Post by grayfox » Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:31 pm

I think your ballast might be growing weak and is no longer able to generate power for a new mercury rich lamp (15kv)
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