batesvilleboy wrote:Hi,
I have joined to seek help on my DLP sets. I am considering removing the screen protector in order to get the exact measurements. I want to use those measurements to order a non glare replacement. My set is excellent but has glare problems due to a well lighted room. Do I have to remove the protector to get the exact dimensions? Does my plan make sense? I appreciate replies and advice from experience.

Cant say I am expert, But I did just remove my "Diamond Shield" on my WD52525 because of the glare this morning. If yours is simular just take a credit card to the top middle and bottom of each side of the screen. There are some rubber clips (simular to car door molding) that hold it in. It should come right out. I would say a 1 on the difficulty scale. I have read that if you dont have much possibility of damage, Kids, Aminals, or Tossing remotes & things at your favorite sports teams when the screw up, It's safe to just leave it off. Mine has no glare at all, picture is still just as good. Now its not as pretty without that black band on the shield but if your ordering a nonglare panel it wont have the band of black on the sheild either.
On a side note I sent an email to Plaskolite to find thier local distributor. Figured I can get a sheet of thier Optix Non or reduced glare material and cut it for less than half price...I Hope..
and probably paint back in the black banding. As with other glare blockers you will loose about 8-10% of the visual light transmittance
Here's a link. ... nglare.cfm
Hope this helps