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Video what you guys think

Post by lalinzki » Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:24 am

Well here it is. I have a Samsung HLR5067W and well let me show you instead then y'all can let me know what y'all think.


AV1 Works with my PS3 or PC but it does the freeze screen and black screen then back to normal for seconds.
There is a small click sound on the back by the cable antenna.
I tried to put the VGA and it was like I could see my pc but then it froze basically like my ps3..on the video.
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Re: Video what you guys think

Post by scotty4sc » Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:28 pm

Got the same thing going on with mine. It seems to be the digital board. Apparently, the DNIe chip gets loose after a while and causes the green bars. Hundreds if not thousands of these sets have the same problem. There are 3 fixes: one, you can apply pressure to the DNIe chip by creating a homemade "contraption" using nuts and bolts, but this seems to last a few weeks at best. Two, you can contact JD Electronics ( and they will attempt to fix it by "reflowing" the DNIe chip for $40 and return shipping. This seems to work for most people. Three, you can write to the New Jersey Attorney General (follow the information on ... w;forums06) and a lot of people actually had Samsung repair their sets for just labor or for free. Hope this helps, just been going through the same thing myself and looking through tons of websites!


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Re: Video what you guys think

Post by lalinzki » Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:36 pm

Thank You for your response. Well I did tweak it, I put a old computer Heat Sink and a fan on it but still it doesn't work. The menu looks just as it used to so I heard that the other part its okay don't know the name the DMD I think?Also one of my friends gave me the tv as a wedding gift like five years ago. I don't know if I can be helped since I don't have the old warranty and such. Second I live in Michigan can I still write to New Jersey Attorney General?. Well thank you and I hope to hear from you or anyone else too
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