We have a SAMSUNG HL-T5076S/xaa, got it about two years ago. The only problem we've ever had before today was a slight buzzing sound sometimes. Would seem to be coming from the front left of the television, and would only show up when we'd turn the TV on. Never lasts a long time, just long enough for my husband and I to look at each other in shock. Then it goes away.
We have recently moved into a house built in the 1950's; set up the television with our new cable box and things have been fine. Today, I decided to hook up our surround sound system we've had for about five years. The components know each other, they've been hanging out for two years without any problems. Connected the wires while listening to the audio on the TV ...and thunderstorm outside. Everything seemed fine and I went to push the TV back where it usually goes and the power-strip came unplugged. Of course, the TV shut off (it was hooked up to the power-strip)... I plugged it back in and hit the power button and there was that buzzing noise again! Normal flashing of the 'Lamp' light lit up.. Perfect, clear picture. Great sound. Then-TV turns itself off.. TV turns itself back on... then off... sometimes displaying a perfect picture; sometimes turns itself off before it can display a picture at all. Sometimes buzzing.. sometimes not. As for lights- I've got the Lamp light flashing while it powers up... and then the Stand-By when it turns itself off... repeating while it does what I guess is called power-cycling?
I looked online in a panic and found the phone number for SAMSUNG, called them and they told me they'll send someone out tomorrow. Fine, but since the TV's been working fine till today, maybe you guys have some ideas and I can fix it myself before they send someone here and charge us an arms and a leg. Could the thunderstorm have anything to do with it? What about the surround sound system? Was it just time for the bulb to die or did I do something to kill it? Would the color wheel be making that weird noise? I don't know what to think. I bet you guys have some ideas? I hope...

Please please help!!