DLP dilemma
Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 10:33 pm
Hi, my DLP recently stopped working. I have read many threads on this site and just want another opinion of current situation. I purchased it January 09, I estimated on average a 10-14 hour day x 365= 4000-5100 hours on original lamp. Estimate is a rough one, sometimes tv is only on for a short time or not at all. This was also an open box unit and was at one point a display model at electronics store, so there are plenty of hours unaccounted for. I never noticed any dimming or darkening of the picture, just would not fire up and the three lights would all flash after a series of attempts. Took out the lamp assembly and noticed a small amount of oxidation on center wire protruding from lamp, and alot of dust, but no breaks in the conducting wires or blackening usually associated with burnt out bulbs. I also made a short video with my cell phone and will include link, picture and sound are not great but should serve as a good indicator.
Samsung DLP
Model# HL56A650C1F
YouTube link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XOY2jDqwmg
Thanks in advance for any help offered, also is there a preferred method of cleaning the dust out that doesnt damage or spead dust further into internal components?
Model# HL56A650C1F
Samsung DLP
Model# HL56A650C1F
YouTube link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XOY2jDqwmg
Thanks in advance for any help offered, also is there a preferred method of cleaning the dust out that doesnt damage or spead dust further into internal components?
Model# HL56A650C1F