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reoccuring brightness/dimming problem

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:02 am
by gatorbuilder
i own HLP5063WX/XAA....have owned it for ~3 yrs. now when i watch a program, out of the blue, the picture will dim significantly. sometimes when i turn the unit off, wait a bit & turn it back on, the picture is better (back to its original brightness), sometimes it is still dim. by the next day i turn it on & the problem repeats itself all over. i am guessing its either a lamp replacement needed or perhaps a new ballast. can any expert out there share their knowledge????
is the sporatic dimming the TV's way of telling me the lamp is about to die??
does the fact that it corrects itself by the next day mean that its not a bulb issue and more of a ballast problem??
thank you in advance for your time & feedback.
1 more question....if i do need to replace the bulb, do i purchase just the bulb or the whole assembly? both are offered, however it would make sense to me to spend the extra $10 and replace the whole assembly....are there advantages/disadvantages i should be aware of??
thanks again!!! :!:

Re: reoccuring brightness/dimming problem

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 7:34 pm
by darkart77
Hi Gator, Well depending on the age of your tv and how many times you've replaced the lamp.
More than likely you need to replace the lamp. some times " not all times" the ballast will have some warning symptoms like, a clicking, buzzing, the tv will turn off by itself after a while.
But if you aren't experiencing any of these.But if you aren't experiencing any of these. Safe to say you need a new lamp.
If you have a chance go to youtube and enter your tv's model number there will be a video that shows you how to replace the bare lamp. You can base your decision from there. bare lamp vs lamp w/ housing.

Re: reoccuring brightness/dimming problem

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:08 pm
by gatorbuilder
thank you so much for the quick response!!! ive never replaced the bulb & i do watch alot of TV everyday, so im hoping its just a bulb replacement needed. like i said before, ive owned the TV for about 3 yrs now with no issues whatsoever. since theres no other malfunctions, buzzing, or clicking...ill try the new bulb! thanks again! :D


Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2023 6:51 pm
by JanefUp