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hlt6187saxxaa is shutting off??????
Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:37 am
by TheeNatural
My tv started acting up exactly 368 days old, figures as it was barely out of warranty. It first started to intermittently blink the led's on the outside of the tv after we turned it off. It did not do this very often over the next year until recently, as it started doing it every time we turned it off, for only God knows how long. It went away for about a month now and the tv started turning itself off starting tonight. It had no power at all, none of the led's on the outside of the tv that were blinking were even on. I unplug the tv and wait about 10 minutes and it comes back on like nothing happened when I plug it back in, on the same channel and not losing any of my settings. It has done this a few time this evening and at first it went an hour or so before cutting off but the last couple times have been a little shorter. Hopefully you can help me please?
Re: hlt6187saxxaa is shutting off??????
Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:16 pm
by ChubbsTech
Hello TheeNatural.
It could be a number of things, first of all le me ask some question to narrow down the problem, and have a better diagnosis.
Do you hear any strange noises coming from the back of the tv before it shuts off? Have you cleaned the inside of the tv? Do you get any distortion in the picture before it shuts off?
My first assumption is that you might have a problem with the lamp, how ever you might want to clean the inside of the tv free of dust 7 mold with a small vacuum & a can of compressed air.
Keep me posted on any new developments.
Good luck.
Re: hlt6187saxxaa is shutting off??????
Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:08 am
by TheeNatural
Well it figures, the tv hasn't cut off at all the last two days so I can't tell if it is making a noise or picture distorting. I am not sure what u mean by either exactly, but when it happens I do hear a noise but I think it is just the same noise it makes when u turn it off or on anyway. I don't think it the picture Is doing anything crazy but next tine it does it I hope I am watching careful enough to catch it as there is no warning and it as fast as if u just turned the tv off with the remote. I unplugged it the last time it did do it though and plugged it right back in to see if it would come on and it would not, so it must have to cool down or something. The dust issue is definitely a possibility, as there is a lot if it and I can see it on the fans and such but I am not sure I should try to clean it as I don't know what I am doing.
My tv is a led dlp just in case you did not know so I am not sure if it has the lamp you were referring to.
Re: hlt6187saxxaa is shutting off??????
Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 3:34 am
by Jason1976
Could be a power supply issue. after it's on for so long parts could heat up and put out wrong voltages and then shut off. Thats the part I would start with.
Parts go bad because of the heat and age. Some samsung tv's have issues with solder joints in the power supplies. Solder is known to brake from parts heating up and expanding. Sometimes just taking a soldering iron to a power supply and fixing all the solder joints that don't look that great will fix these issues.
If you are not great at soldering I would say to look for a good power supply on DM or ebay.
Re: hlt6187saxxaa is shutting off??????
Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 5:07 pm
by ChubbsTech
Ok you definitely need to clean (either do it your self or have someone do it for you) the inside of your tv, there is a strong possibility parts have gone bad because of heating, so if you want to try and fix the problem without having to buy new parts do it. If the tv still is acting the same as before then I would agree with Jason that the power supply might have gone bad.
Keep us posted & Good luck.
Re: hlt6187saxxaa is shutting off??????
Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 4:59 am
by TheeNatural
Well I vacuumed and blew the dust out and off the back of the tv. I don't know that I did it right but it has gotten worse. The led's on the front of the tv blink the whole time the tv is off now, no matter how long it's off. Sometimes I try to turn the tv on and it won't do anything unless I happen to push the button at the right time, while blinking, like it's losing power or something. I have noticed that I only have to unplug it for about 15 seconds to get it to come back on. To top it off, I think the dust got on something inside the tv that is causing a couple spots on the screen.
Re: hlt6187saxxaa is shutting off??????
Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 7:46 pm
by ChubbsTech
That raises more suspicion on a bad power supply. Since the led’s on the front to the Tv are directly connected to a 5v circuit on the powers supply main board. As for the spots on the tv, there is a slight possibility that you got dust in the light engine, probably in the light tunnel or the optical cannon. Try vacuuming it again, the idea is to get the dust out no to just move it from one place to another.
Good luck.
Re: hlt6187saxxaa is shutting off??????
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:13 am
by TheeNatural
Well the tv repairman has my tv and says it is a mother board. He says it is $351 to fix it, does this sound like it could be my problem and is he giving me a fair deal on the repair?
It wasn't that dirty on the inside as I expected either????
I was also wondering if my tv could actually be fixed by download/firmware?
Re: hlt6187saxxaa is shutting off??????
Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 4:33 pm
by TheeNatural
Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2023 8:50 am
by KiafUp