So brought it home and looked into DLP tv's. I replaced the lamp and it still didn't work. But at this point the lamp didn't even turn on at all. I even installed the old lamp and still nothing. So it went from turning on and seeing an image to no image at all. So then I replaced the color wheel. The color wheel that was in there looked in good shape which scared me. The power connector going to the little board that powers the wheel did look a little damaged so I took it to work and got it re-soldered.
Anyway, it still didn't work. I would hear a slight whining noise coming out of the back, but I could here the color wheel spinning and it sounded fine. So I checked the power supply and the ballast. Aside from lots of dust, they looked in good shape. I didn't see or smell any component that looked damaged. But I bought a new ballast and replaced it. Sure enough, it still doesn't work. I have checked every single connector inside there. Obviously the power supply is working unless the circuitry that powers the ballast is bad. The only thing I can think of is that there is something wrong with the CPU that is keeping it from signaling the ballast to turn on. I really am running out of ideas here. I have checked every single connector and wire. Everything else looks good. Can anybody help? Thanks very much!