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Mitsubishi wd-62327 light engine change problems
Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:22 am
by daver10000
I changed the light engine on my wd-62327 to clear up black dots. The dots are gone, but now the picture is not so clear(grainy). I have seen in other newer model's service manuals that a "data copy" is needed when the light engine is replaced. Does anyone know if I need to do this on my model? Also, if so, can anyone provide guidance. I don't see this procedure listed in the service manual I have.
Example from another model's manual:
This procedure must be performed after replacing either the Electrical Chassis or Optical Engine.
1) To display the data copy menu press <TV MENU> <2-4-5-7> <0>
2) Use the cursor keys to yellow highlight “Copy Light Engine EEPROM to DM”
3) Press <ENTer>
4) After the copy procedure has been completed, exit the menu by pressing <HOME>
Re: Mitsubishi wd-62327 light engine change problems
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:54 pm
by ChubbsTech
Hello daver10000.
My first question for you is, did you buy a light engine with a dmd board included or just the bear light engine? Did you buy the exact same part number as your old light engine. Or did you look for it by model number?
Next I would recommend you try to hook up an external device such as a dvd player, pc or video game counsel. See if you get the same kind of picture. Another test is try to bring up the tv menu and se if it is also affected.
These tests are to try and discard the video bard, along with the processor & memories that split the raw signal into audio & video (analog & digital). If the picture on the dvd or other external device is perfect, and the tv menu is affected, then it would be more probable to have a defective DMD if it’s the other way around (perfect menu , bas dvd picture) then I would focuses on the video board.
How ever before drawing to any conclusions try and get back to me.
Good luck.
Re: Mitsubishi wd-62327 light engine change problems
Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:58 pm
by daver10000
I replaced the entire light engine assembly. I purchased it by part number. I note the issue on all levels(DVD, tv picture, WII, even the menu appears to have it). What I am seeing is straight lines that appears to be jagged and a fuzzy screen in general, the zero numbers on the DVD menu are not smooth.
I tried to clean the mirror after replacing the engine, as I tried to do it while replacing the engine and left a smudge on it. Could it be that I need to work on the focus of the mirror? Would that make lines look jagged and the picture in general fuzzy? I also think the mirror might need further cleaning.
Re: Mitsubishi wd-62327 light engine change problems
Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:56 pm
by ChubbsTech
Hello again daver10000.
Is looks like you’re having issues with the video board, to try to determine if it’s the analog or digital you might want to do the following test:
First try the analog by hooking a external component with the red, white and yellow cables, see if there are any changes in the picture.
For the digital, hook up a computer with a VGA cable or another component that uses HDMI, also see if there are any changes in the picture. Tell me what happens.
Good luck.
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 2:08 am
by JanefUp