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Power board removal Samsung DLP

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:42 pm
by gormiti
Hi Eddie-

I am having problesm with my Samsung DLP(HLN617W) where originally I had to replace my Lamp. Now 6 months later, I have to replace my ballast, but while doing this, I believe that I may have blue a fuse on my power board. In an attempt to remove the power board, I am having difficulty. I have removed the analog board and the power board appears that all I have to do is slide the power board out, but it is not working. :evil: I analayzed the complete board and I can not figure out what the problem is. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Re: Power board removal Samsung DLP

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:33 am
by Jason1976
check for plastic clips that may need to be pushed and also look on the bottom of the set to make sure there are no screws into the bottom.

Re: Power board removal Samsung DLP

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:06 pm
by gormiti

Thanks for the advice. I checked fromt eh bottom of the case of the TV and from the inside and could not find any clips or screws securing it down.

The only 2 areas that I question is if the board is glued in the slot or if is is secured to the front case of the TV that I cannot see fully.

Thanks again and any further advice is appreciated.

Re: Power board removal Samsung DLP

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:30 pm
by gormiti
UPDATE: I have figured it out by shear frustation, which is not the right path and I was lucky not to do any damage, but after being 95% confident that there was no plastic tabs or screws holding it in place, I used a pair of pliers and clamped onto 2 areas of the board near the corners and pulled with all my might. After a few choice words, the board moved slightly on one end. I then focused on the other end that didn't move and was able to get this one to move. Icontinued this path, little by little and was able to remove the board. My analysis is that the board had a very, very tight fit in this slot. Now time to get replacement parts.

Thanks for everyone's assistance. :D


Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 6:03 pm
by MiafUp