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HL-S4676S Video shuts down after ~ 40 seconds.

Post by rhuian » Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:34 pm

Read just about every thread on this issue i can come up with and I just cannot pin down the problem.

I got an HL-S4676S used for ~100.00 USD. It was broken and needed fixing I was hoping it was just the bulb but clearly thats not the case. Before replacing the bulb the TV would come on for about 40 seconds and then shut the video down and a few seconds later the audio as well and power. At that point it had 3 flashing LEDs. I pulled the back off and cleaned it all up and tried again. Same issue. I ordered a new bulb (this one ) same issue. Additional things I've tried:

Shorted out the thermostat: same results
Shorted out the door switch: same results
Forced the ballast on: Lamp comes on and stays on but no picture at all.

SO to recap. With the new lamp. I can power on the TV and will have a picture for ~ 40 seconds. It then shuts down. I power it back on I will have picture again but for 10 seconds or less. After that it will not come back on and there is a new sound rather high pitched coming from the light engine. At this point I have to leave it off for an hour or so before I can get picture back again.


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Re: HL-S4676S Video shuts down after ~ 40 seconds.

Post by BYO » Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:06 pm

Hi rhuian,

:o You are handling it very well there.... There are some components that can trigger the lamp led in front of the set, and those are:
1.- Lamp
2.- Ballast
3.- Lamp door switch
4.- Temp sensor
5.- Color Wheel
6.- DMD

And you already troubleshooted the first 4..... :lol:
:idea: The high pitch sound could be a issue with the Color Wheel or the DMD board. :?:

:!: When a Color wheel goes bad, usually you will hear a screeching sound, kind of 2 metals sliding ie. brake pads of car. And most of the times you will feel a vibration near the lower back of the TV (near the lamp).

:!: When a DMD board goes bad there are multiple symptoms, but you are not limited to experience them all.
One of them is having a picture and shut OFF.
Image will be display bad in a mathematical arrangement on screen (bars separate, half screens, straight horizontal/vertical lines, etc.)

:geek: The DMD board has the DLP chip, and is a little bit expensive. If after reading this you still cant narrow it to a Color Wheel or a DMD..... I will really recommend to try the Color Wheel first if situation persist try the DMD or the DLP chip (mounted on DMD).

:arrow: The Color Wheel for your TV Model # HLS4676S, has the part # BP96-01669A and you can get it from Samsung: ... l=HLS4676S

:arrow: The DLP Chip for your TV Model # HLS4676S, has the part # 4719-001981 and you can get it from Samsung: ... l=HLS4676S

Hope this info helps you!!
Good Luck :mrgreen:
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Re: HL-S4676S Video shuts down after ~ 40 seconds.

Post by rhuian » Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:14 pm

Thanks. I was thinking DMD board but would prefer color wheel (its cheaper ;) ). The noise I hear doesn't really sound bad and there is no vibration to speak of. Its just a 'different' noise, different than what I hear when I actually have a picture. Can the color wheel still function till it gets warm and then shut down? I can hear it spinning even when the lamp shuts itself off but the odd noise is only there when I cannot get a picture.

Lastly I'd seen lamp timer suggested. Does that really force thing to shut down if you do not reset it? I cannot seem to keep the TV on long enough to navigate to the proper menu to rest the timer.

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Re: HL-S4676S Video shuts down after ~ 40 seconds.

Post by rhuian » Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:18 pm

So you guys really think I should try the Color Wheel first? Does it have logic on it somewhere that shuts the light engine down if its not performing up to par?

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Re: HL-S4676S Video shuts down after ~ 40 seconds.

Post by rhuian » Sat Apr 16, 2011 12:40 am

Follow up:

New Colorwheel = Great picture! Thanks.... Now I just need to find the sound issue I created when replacing the color wheel. I had sound before hand but now its gone. I must have missed plugging something in.

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Re: HL-S4676S Video shuts down after ~ 40 seconds.

Post by rhuian » Sat Apr 16, 2011 1:38 am

Well crap. Everything is connected correctly. I did a factory reset. Still no sound.

Idea's welcome.

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Re: HL-S4676S Video shuts down after ~ 40 seconds.

Post by rhuian » Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:50 pm

And now I have no power. TV shut off by itself and will not come back on. This little investment is about to cost me over time as much as a new tv

Power supply?

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