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HL-S4666W picture problems - need help diagnosing
Here is the description of the problem I am having with my HL-S4666W. I am trying to determine if its a lamp, color wheel, or ballast issue. The TV is a couple of years of old, which I realize is the age the lamps start going bad.
When I turn on the TV, I hear a click (which from what I read may be the ballast). The fan comes on. Then I hear what I assume to be the color wheel spinning up. The lamp does not come on. Once the color wheel speeds up, I hear a rapid, high-pitched sound. It kind sounds like an electronic "beeping" noise, but it could also be a high-pitched mechanical noise. After a little while (maybe a minute or so), the TV powers down. All three lights on the front are flashing.
This has been a problem for a few weeks. When it first started, I could repeatedly turn the TV on. Eventually, the picture would come on, although usually a bit distorted at first. Once it was on, it would stay on no problem. When I would turn it off in the evening, then back on in the morning, it would work just fine. When the TV sat for a day or two without being used, I would have to go through this cycle again. However, it has gotten progressively worse. Last night I kept turning it on for about 30 minutes. Finally, the picture came up. However, this time the TV would stay on for about 15-20 seconds, then the screen would go black and then the TV would power down.
I plan to buy the replacement part and do the replacement myself, but I would like to buy the correct part the first time rather than spend several hundred dollars buying parts that didn't need to be replaced. Any help getting it narrowed down would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
When I turn on the TV, I hear a click (which from what I read may be the ballast). The fan comes on. Then I hear what I assume to be the color wheel spinning up. The lamp does not come on. Once the color wheel speeds up, I hear a rapid, high-pitched sound. It kind sounds like an electronic "beeping" noise, but it could also be a high-pitched mechanical noise. After a little while (maybe a minute or so), the TV powers down. All three lights on the front are flashing.
This has been a problem for a few weeks. When it first started, I could repeatedly turn the TV on. Eventually, the picture would come on, although usually a bit distorted at first. Once it was on, it would stay on no problem. When I would turn it off in the evening, then back on in the morning, it would work just fine. When the TV sat for a day or two without being used, I would have to go through this cycle again. However, it has gotten progressively worse. Last night I kept turning it on for about 30 minutes. Finally, the picture came up. However, this time the TV would stay on for about 15-20 seconds, then the screen would go black and then the TV would power down.
I plan to buy the replacement part and do the replacement myself, but I would like to buy the correct part the first time rather than spend several hundred dollars buying parts that didn't need to be replaced. Any help getting it narrowed down would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Re: HL-S4666W picture problems - need help diagnosing
start with the lamp. check to see if it is broken. they can explod with age. even if it doesn't look broken replace the lamp. if that doesn't take care of it then replace the ballast.
the other day someone had a bare lamp on ebay for 50 dollars that would of worked with your tv the listing is over and noone bid. you could contact the seller to see if he will sell it to you. It's a bare lamp phillips. ... K:MEWAX:IT
contact the seller and see if he will relist it with the 50 dollar buy it now price. I found out the model of the lamp after I bought one for a tv and and they sent me a PHI/389S. it has a COMPATIBILITY with: TY-LA2006, BP47-00023A, BP96-01099A, BP96-01472A, BP96-01653A
and your tv takes a
Samsung BP96-01472A
the other day someone had a bare lamp on ebay for 50 dollars that would of worked with your tv the listing is over and noone bid. you could contact the seller to see if he will sell it to you. It's a bare lamp phillips. ... K:MEWAX:IT
contact the seller and see if he will relist it with the 50 dollar buy it now price. I found out the model of the lamp after I bought one for a tv and and they sent me a PHI/389S. it has a COMPATIBILITY with: TY-LA2006, BP47-00023A, BP96-01099A, BP96-01472A, BP96-01653A
and your tv takes a
Samsung BP96-01472A
Last edited by Jason1976 on Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: HL-S4666W picture problems - need help diagnosing
Thanks for the info. From reading some other posts, I was starting to convince myself it was the color wheel. I noticed you skipped that possibility, so are you relatively confident that is not the issue?
Re: HL-S4666W picture problems - need help diagnosing
austindlp wrote:Thanks for the info. From reading some other posts, I was starting to convince myself it was the color wheel. I noticed you skipped that possibility, so are you relatively confident that is not the issue?
the high pitch sound is what I heard from my tv with I had a bad lamp. normaly color wheels make a lower pitched sound before they go out the hole way. normaly you can hear them acting up for some time.
just take the time to see if the lamp is shaddered. plus if you read the owners manual they say 3 flashing lights is the lamp.
if you are unsure about replacing a bare lamp look at the video. also the bare lamps are marked what side of the lamp is the top and should face up in the air once it's installed in the tv. ... r_embedded#!
Re: HL-S4666W picture problems - need help diagnosing
For what its worth, I completely removed the lamp from the TV and powered it up again and was getting the same exact result (rapid high-pitched sound). I did not see any physical damage on the lamp, which I realize is not a sure indication of failure.
Re: HL-S4666W picture problems - need help diagnosing
the ballast will make a high pitched sound without a working lamp. now if it was the color wheel you would hear a grinding kind of sound.
Re: HL-S4666W picture problems - need help diagnosing
Got it. Once I started thinking about it, I realized my TV is about 4.5 years old and I have never replaced the lamp. Time flies. I just ordered a new one. If that doesn't fix it, I'll try the ballast next. Thanks again for the help.