This is actually the second problem I'm now having with my DLP TV. The first problem I was getting was fine wavy lines across my screen with a standard cable TV hookup, SVideo, or RGB to Componet 1,2 or 3. Although my PS3 was hooked up to the DVI to HDMI connection and the screen was perfect with no lines or distortion of my video. I got around this problem by getting an HDMI Stereo Reciever & HDMI cable box to watch my cable TV and play the PS3 via the DVI to HDMI connection which up until now was working perfectly.
As of today a new problem has cropped up and that is the video display has just simply quit working. I unplugged the unit from the wall for at least 30 min. Plugged it back in and tried using the Mute+1+8+2+Power as well as Menu+1+8+2+Power and still don't get any video display. Upon normal power up the green lamp light blinks for a min or two like it always had in the past before my video would display - only now it starts the same sequence but I get no video display and the TV turns itself off and on with all three lights blinking at me (Timer, Lamp and Temp) with no video. For the most part it won't bring up the video screen & I get the three blinking lights.
I would assume I need to order a new Lamp to resolve the no video display issue - but not sure that would resolve my first issues with cable tv, svideo, or componet connections showing lines? Anyone got suggestions on what I should do? Do I need to scrap this TV? Order just the lamp and/or color wheel or what? Help!!!! Thanks... Butch