Yesterday my son was playing XBOX360 and the picture went black and turned off. He says this happened 4 weeks ago one morning, he went to the bathroom came back and it turned on fine.
So I tried to turn it on and its on for about 10 seconds then the picture goes out and I can hear audio for about 3-5 seconds and it shuts off. It was dusty so I got a compressed air can and cleaned it all out ( didn't take off the back, just the lamp door ) and now it stays on for about 1 minute or less.
I have had the tv exactly 1 year and I think it's about 2 days past warranty. It's on about 14 hours a day.
Does this sound like a lamp issue? Do I need to take off the entire back and clean it? Or is the tv now junk?
I was laid off recently so I can't afford to buy a new tv, but I can afford the lamp. On the other hand if it's a lost cause I'd rather get a job and buy a new DLP LCD tv.
Any help is appreciated. I'm dieing without a tv in the den.
