Please excuse me, I am a noob and do not know the correct terminology for most things related to tv's.

I have an Akai 50" DLP TV (PT50DL24) I've owned this tv for almost 4 years and it has worked perfect for about 3.5 years. Not too long ago it started having trouble displaying white or bright images or scenes. When a white or bright scene appears the TV switches to a blue screen similar to the screen that appears when selecting the source input (component, hdmi, etc). It works perfectly fine for everything else except these bright scenes. I have tried searching the internet for any symptoms relating to this but have had little to no results. I just wanted to make sure before I went ahead and purchased a new bulb or color wheel and tried fixing it when it may not even be the issue.
I appreciate any feedback so I can get my tv fixed, viewing it is pretty much unbearable as it cuts out frequently lol.
this is the tv I have:
Thank you in advance!