Ok a little background story. I have a RCA 50" DLP TV Model:M50WH74SYX1 about a year of ownership I started having an issue with the TV loosing picture but keeping sound and the power cycling itself, after about an hour of use(after searching I find that to be a common issue). I'm no TV tech but I work on computers for a living so I thought it sounded like a thermal issue. If I place a fan behind the set it will stay on all day with no issues. Take the fan away and set will lose picture and so on. So the set was still under manufacturing warranty. Called them, told them the issues. After the first 3 service calls the set was still not working correctly. I believe only the bulb, the main board, and one other part(not the color wheel I am sure of that) has been replaced with still no resolve. So I just said screw it and used the TV with the fan for another year. I final decided to get the set repaired. I bought an extended warranty for the set at time of purchase through GE. NOW the story gets good. They send this guy to take a look at the set. He is telling me it could be the color wheel or a thermal sensor\fan issue. While is at my house to just take a look cause he has no parts with him. He decides to clean the set with compressed air. I had my back turned and started to walk away when a heard BOOM(not a whoosh). He was using the compressed air duster while the set was on! My first thought was the bulb blew and now there is mercury in the air. I made sure the TV guy was ok and told him to get out from behind the TV and come out side with me(not sure why I had to tell him that tho he should have known already). So I tell him I wanted a replaced TV that I did not trust any of the components in the set now. After he left I aired the house out and pulled the bulb myself to make sure it was not busted, it was still intact. Long story short I was able to get a check for the replacement value of the set. So I know that was a long story and hope you enjoyed hearing it.
The set still has the original issue, plus now what looks like burn marks on the screen I have attached two images.The burn marks are best seen on solid colors. The set still has all the colors and the burn marks are static and do not move. So here is the question, is this something that just needs to be clean or maybe its the color wheel(not sure how they work so I'm just guessing)? I have even thought it could be the polarized film(Not sure if a DLP TV would have that) on the inside of the screen that has gotten flash burn?
If anyone could suggest a fix I would grateful, also a place to purchase the parts I would need. I had a hard finding parts for this model out the bulb that is. I just think if it only cost a couple of hundred dollars it would be well worth it. Sorry I am so long winded So if you're still reading this thanks