Hi Everyone.
I'm a new member and looking for help troubleshooting my television. I have a vizio p42hdtv10a. My television is out of the vizio warranty period. My problems are when my television is first turned on the screen is mostly blue and white with outlines of shawdows. The picture begins to come clearer and clearer for about 8 minutes untill it is in pretty good shape but at that point all the bright colors flicker making it very poor picture quality. By turning the brightness controll very low the flashing will stop for the most part but the screen is very dark and not in a good or acceptable state of viewing. I've got very little electronic knowledge but I feel I can and have replaced boards in computers and fanuc cnc controll systems. I've removed the back of my vizio 42" plasma tv and I've looked at the unit. I've been told that the y sus and z sus boards go out frequently on these units. I have located these boards on my unit and they look to be in good shape by looking at them. The cap tops all seem nice shape I haven't checked the fuses. I could do that but just wanted to see if anyone has any input on how to fix or trouble shot my problems. Some of the other problems recently noticed are small green specs on the screen when running. The sound is not affected by this strobling affect. I don't just want to buy the boards and not now what they control. Does anyone have information on what these boards accomplish. It looks like there is a total of 10 boards on the unit. The y and z sus boards are marked. With time and a magnifying glass I can read the boards. I'd love to be able to repair this unit. These problems occured over about a 6 month period getting to the point of me buying a larger 50 inch vizio unit from my local costco. I also wanted to ask all useres what they feel about the additional warranty option from vizio. Costco extends the warranty but I think I can extend it further through vizio. By the way it seems to be a great unit so far. Thanks to all. please reply.
Moderator: Angel
Re: Vizio P42HDTV10A Brights are flashing and strobing
The vizio is repaired. I figured I'd play the odds and ask the audience. The numbers were correct. I replaced the y sustain board and the logic board that the y and z sustain boards are connected to. Discount merchant was of no help with the parts. There help line "trouble shooting line" also was of no help to me at all. I purchased the boards used at an online auction for 136. for both boards. Thanks for all your views of the post. This is a great site of viewers. I look forward to any help I can provide in the future.