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Vertical hold issues with white or light image DLP

Post by liquid » Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:57 pm

5 years old
No problems until 3 months ago. Original bulb and color wheel.

Every once in a while the screen would lose its vertical hold.

Began to see a pattern though, only images that were mostly white caused the screen to lose vertical hold. Once the screen image changes to something else, TV gets its hold back...

Any ideas where to start on replacement parts or corrective steps?

Thanks in advance, great site.

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Re: Vertical hold issues with white or light image DLP

Post by liquid » Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:10 am


I guess I can if you think it will help. I wouldn't have thought it is picture worthy, its a beatuiful picture normally (HD, non-HD), just the image vertical hold loses its ability to hold the image steady when the screen gets very white or lighter images I can't imagine what would happen during a Ski broadcast). Doesn't always happen, but when it does happen its always with white images on the screen (ususally the majority of the background, not the foreground centered objects taht are speaking or moving). The most common time I see it is when the kids are watching Spongebob, now it does also happen on non-cartoon images, but for some reason those cartoons use more than there fair share of white static images with characters that are moving in the foreground. Those are the shows that vertical flips the most, but most other shows user darker images and change between image much more frequently. As I tried to say in the original post, once the screen image changes, like when the camera switches to another charater talking on a drama show, the TV gets its hold back and the flipping stops. I hope that someone else out there has come across this, when I found this site I thought there's no way I won't find a post about this, but so far I have not.

I will attempt to post an image or quick video of the vertical flipping by tomorrow.

Thanks for the interest. I am really hoping someone out there can at least point me in the right direction with regards to what to replace if anything. I was all set to buy I new bulb (just to have on hand) and a color wheel because that seemed MAYBE like it might be related somehow with the light backgrounds. But I'd hate to lay out $100 for an unnecessary part.

I'll get back to use with the pic/video.

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Re: Vertical hold issues with white or light image DLP

Post by liquid » Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:37 pm

OK, here's a small video that has two occurrences of the issue. Because the movie changes scenes so often its less prolonged than SpongeBob type vertical hold losses where the background scene may not change for 20 seconds. When that happens its EXTREMELYannoyoing instead of just VERY annoying......

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Re: Vertical hold issues with white or light image DLP

Post by liquid » Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:00 pm

OK, so no matter what file extension I tried the board will not allow the file upload. Here is a link to youtube with the 10 second video...


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Re: Vertical hold issues with white or light image

Post by Angel » Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:42 pm

Hi liquid.

It seems to be the DMD board.
The best "Do It Yourself" site for all types of Displays!

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