Thanks Grayfox,
Is it the larger fan you're talking about. It works
but I don't know if drawing enough heat away( ie cfms.)
can I get a PC fan from computer store?
So you're saying the colorwheel may be the reason blue led
does'nt stay on when tv is off.
Hi Master Tech,
Both fans are working. so you're saying it could be the
temp sensor.
WHat about the Blue LED light that's supposed too
stay on when tv is off.
Also I do her that winding sound from the color wheel,
although the color looks great as of now
Installed new lamp w/old ballast. so far it looks Great
Only now the standby/temp light stays on when I turn off the tv.
Also the Blue LED light that is suppose too stay on when the tv is
offis not working
Hello, Just replaced my lamp. TV looks great. :P Q: When I turned off the TV the Standby/Temp indicating light stays on constently (not blinking). Also the blue LED light that blinks three times when you power off then stays on is not working any reason why? Thanks P.S. Great site very informative
I did the The factory reset on my samung hlp5063wx/xaa with an old
lamp that looked dimm. It looked great for about 5 minutes, then
POW the lamp exploded.
My Samsung HLP5063W DLP TV needs a new lamp. TV was working but picture was dimm. Then one day while watching picture went black but had sound,after 2/3 minutes TV shut down.Timer, standby/temp and lamp indicator lights were blinking.Indicating need new lamp. I ordered a new lamp #BP96-00826A.Lamp c...
My HPL5063W DLP picture was dimm, after 2/3 mins. tv had no pic. but had sound. then the timer, lamp, and standby/temp indicating lights would flash. Ordered new lamp BP96-00826A, installed it but didn't fire up no pic but has sound. same three indicating lights flashed. I thought the new lamp was d...