Search found 3 matches

by xXRockAHolicXx
Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:04 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Topic: djkxrifi
Replies: 0
Views: 800

Re: HLR5667WAX/XAA Green Lines & Distorted Picture

Ahh I see. So what's the Input Board? Cause so far I know: This is the Analog Board: This is the Digital Board: So a little confused about the Input Board, if you c...
by xXRockAHolicXx
Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:01 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Topic: djkxrifi
Replies: 0
Views: 800

Re: HLR5667WAX/XAA Green Lines & Distorted Picture

Hi GrayFox!! First of all, thanks a BUNCH for the reply! Greatly appreciate it! Actually, I had that planned too, that I should go ahead and test out the HDMI Input. I'm gonna buy a HDMI Cable tomorrow at work so I can test it out. So if the HDMI Input is ALSO affected, would that mean that the Digi...
by xXRockAHolicXx
Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:21 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Topic: djkxrifi
Replies: 0
Views: 800

HLR5667WAX/XAA Green Lines & Distorted Picture

Hello Everybody!! :) I was wondering if yall can help me out with a problem I have with my Samsung HLR5667WAX/XAA DLP TV. Alright so I founded out that the A/V Inputs on the TV when connected into these inputs, the picture comes up distorted and "jumpy" with green horizontal lines flickering all ove...

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