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by noakes
Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:05 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Replies: -1

Samsung HLP4663WX picture unstable

Here is a pic of what the set is showing me. I suspect the color wheel. This goes away after it is one for some time, about 1/2 hour now.

Any thoughts of problem area other than color wheel?

Why can't I upload this pic?? it is only 132k. Board says that the board attachment quota has been reached.
by noakes
Mon Jan 29, 2018 9:28 pm
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Replies: -1

Re: HLP4663WX-XAA picture stability

Why can't I upload a pic of this problem?? I also can't seem to be able to contact Angel, the board administrator. Clicking on his name does not provide me with an avenue of contact.
Is this area still open or is it passe?
by noakes
Tue Dec 12, 2017 11:46 pm
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Replies: -1

Re: HLP4663WX-XAA picture stability

Ok, it is definitely the DLP-TV. Both vertical and horizontal registrations are off and there are flashed of different colors also. I'll have to review the block diagram of the unit and see what may make sense. Replaced the lamp a year ago. Color wheel a few years ago. Unit is ok once it is on for a...
by noakes
Fri Dec 08, 2017 2:19 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Replies: -1

HLP4663WX-XAA picture stability

I've had this set for quite a while and it has been one of the best sets I've owned for problems. changed the lamp a few times, the color wheel once. Anyway, I am not sure if this is a TV issue or a Spectrum set top issue. The picture has what you would call a vertical hold issue were it an analog T...
by noakes
Tue Nov 22, 2016 12:06 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Replies: -1

Re: HLP4663WX-XAA screen color went to red quickly

I had time today to look into this further. I removed the light engine from the unit and looked it over. I had a new light assembly on hand, bought two a long time ago to have if I ever needed one. The old and new lamps looked quite different, the new one much bluer and clearer. I changed the light ...
by noakes
Mon Nov 21, 2016 1:44 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Replies: -1

Re: HLP4663WX-XAA screen color went to red quickly

Found out some more on this, I wasn't present when this happened. The set shut down on its own, my relatives said they had a hard time turning it back on. Picture has terrible contrast. I've never seen a picture like this on any tv even the older CRT units I used to work on. The picture has white bu...
by noakes
Sun Nov 20, 2016 8:02 pm
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Replies: -1

HLP4663WX-XAA screen color went to red quickly

Watching the tv this am, no issues. Turned it on a little later and the screen has a dominate red to it. The setup screen choices (color weakness, etc.) don't have any effect to remedy this. There is no noise suggesting the color wheel. I have some extra parts for this set, have worked on it before....
by noakes
Sat May 21, 2011 12:49 am
Forum: LCD Televisions
Replies: -1

Gouged screen - repairable?

I have a Samsung LCD tv that was given to me. The screen has been damaged, one reason it was rejected by the owner, by a pretty deep gouge. The pixels in the area of the gouge seem ok but they are quite bright compared to the other pixels as the gouge went into the dark colored section of the screen...
by noakes
Fri Apr 22, 2011 6:46 pm
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Topic: znykijif
Replies: 0
Views: 1277

Re: Wavy lines and smears in picture

Grayfox and all, I found a used light engine from a working set that was being parted out, they noted the color wheel was very noisy. Got the whole thing for 140, not the best price from my perspective but still workable. Replaced the color wheel with the new one I purchased a month ago, the one tha...
by noakes
Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:15 pm
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Topic: znykijif
Replies: 0
Views: 1277

Re: Wavy lines and smears in picture

The model no. is HLP4663XA/XAA as far as I kow that is the complete no.
by noakes
Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:53 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Topic: znykijif
Replies: 0
Views: 1277

Re: Wavy lines and smears in picture

So the only real common board after signal processing is the DMD board. I am assuming the input board doesn't do much to the digital signal that would cause the same effects to both inputs. I haven't checked yet with the supplier you deal with, the light engine contains the DMD board and a mirror ch...
by noakes
Wed Apr 06, 2011 11:57 pm
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Topic: znykijif
Replies: 0
Views: 1277

Re: Wavy lines and smears in picture

Grayfox, don't forget this is a new color wheel. I originally had intense green 'borders' around segments of the picture. This condition started immediately after installation of the new color wheel, there was no period where the picture was clean. From what we've discussed I take it that the digita...
by noakes
Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:19 pm
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Topic: znykijif
Replies: 0
Views: 1277

Re: Wavy lines and smears in picture

So what you are saying is that the analog signals go through both the analog and the digital boards but the digital signals are fed directly to the DMD. If this is correct then both digital and analog boards are not suspect but the dmd board and the mirror chip are (as is the power supply). Is this ...
by noakes
Tue Apr 05, 2011 11:19 pm
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Topic: znykijif
Replies: 0
Views: 1277

Re: Wavy lines and smears in picture

Hello Grayfox, yes this is a continuation of my picture problems. The color wheel change did make a big difference though. The blotches as in the pictures above are still present. Also these appear both in analog input and digital (cable and HDMI). The wavy lines are present usually during light sce...
by noakes
Tue Apr 05, 2011 11:12 pm
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Topic: isobjgjxhy
Replies: 0
Views: 1752

Re: HLP4663WX/XAA green outlines and specks in picture

Ok so this is the original posting, I opened a new one after I changed the color wheel and the picture improved but was not yet what it should be.

Please look at the newer issue posting.
by noakes
Tue Apr 05, 2011 11:08 pm
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Topic: isobjgjxhy
Replies: 0
Views: 1752

Re: HLP4663WX/XAA green outlines and specks in picture

The color wheel was just replaced. I had an earlier post up with pictures of the set prior to the wheel being replaced. There are marked differences in those pics and these. I am not ruling out the new color wheel as being a problem but I am not familiar enough with the dlp system to be sure of any ...
by noakes
Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:56 pm
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Topic: isobjgjxhy
Replies: 0
Views: 1752

Re: HLP4663WX/XAA green outlines and specks in picture

The blotches and smears show up on both analog and HDMI inputs.
It is interesting to me that they also show up as trailing smears on the 'dialog' boxes generated by the tv itself, such as 'check signal input' or 'tv cable input' that are generated when input signal to the tv is lost.
by noakes
Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:53 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Topic: znykijif
Replies: 0
Views: 1277

Wavy lines and smears in picture

Recently changed the color wheel in the set due to gross green areas of the picture. Prior to changing I could not get a red line when in service mode in DDP1011 screen under delay. The new wheel fixed that. The lines are usually moving throughout the picture. Their most common appearance is in larg...
by noakes
Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:12 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Topic: isobjgjxhy
Replies: 0
Views: 1752

Re: HLP4663WX/XAA green outlines and specks in picture

Grayfox and all who have looked at this posting.

I took new pictures with a much better camera that show what the lines in the picture look like.
I will open a new post on this under the title of 'wavy lines and smears in picture', which much better describes the symptom.

by noakes
Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:35 pm
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Topic: isobjgjxhy
Replies: 0
Views: 1752

Re: HLP4663WX/XAA green outlines and specks in picture

Ok here are a few pictures, the camera tends to overexpose so many of the lines are not visible. I'll provide notes with each picture. The colors that don't belong are not always green, with a red background a lot of black lines appear. They generally move along with the picture. Don't know how else...
by noakes
Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:06 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Topic: isobjgjxhy
Replies: 0
Views: 1752

Re: HLP4663WX/XAA green outlines and specks in picture

Grayfox, Installed the new color wheel, it took care of the gross green problem. I still have green 'squiggles' they appear something like will-o-wisps that come and go and get into various sections of the picture. Hard to describe them, usually in the flesh colored areas or other light areas they k...
by noakes
Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:55 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Topic: isobjgjxhy
Replies: 0
Views: 1752

Re: HLP4663WX/XAA green outlines and specks in picture

Grayfox, Have been looking for used parts for this set, not much available. Seems that this is one of the lesser made sets which means the parts will be scarcer. I know of no way to further test the set without replacing parts/board assemblies. I remember years ago I could scope points on the variou...
by noakes
Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:30 pm
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Topic: isobjgjxhy
Replies: 0
Views: 1752

Re: HLP4663WX/XAA green outlines and specks in picture

Greyfox, Tried the HDMI input today. Pictures are still the same, only now in HD. Some pictures are fine others are really torn up mostly dark areas affected. You believe this is probably the DMD board, any way of further troubleshooting this? Any chance of checking the color wheel or the mirror chi...
by noakes
Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:12 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Topic: isobjgjxhy
Replies: 0
Views: 1752

Re: HLP4663WX/XAA green outlines and specks in picture

I will pick up an HDMI cable this weekend at a hamfest and let you know what the pic looks like. The cable box here does have an HDMI port.
by noakes
Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:04 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Topic: isobjgjxhy
Replies: 0
Views: 1752

HLP4663WX/XAA green outlines and specks in picture

DLP has green lines and flecks throughout picture. When on 4:3 aspect ratio the normally black sections on the left and right of the picture are bright green. Green has the appearance of bright green lines within picture elements, for example lettering could have the appearance of having bright gree...

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