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- Sun Dec 02, 2018 3:44 am
- Forum: Mitsubishi Discussion
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WD-73737 Can't configure
I refurbished a 73 inch Mitsu recently but am now have problems with getting it to work properly. Here's the situation. Works fine when an over the air antenna is hooked up. Works fine when a game console is hooked up through the HDMI cable. BUT when I go to connect it to a cable box through the com...
- Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:53 am
- Forum: Mitsubishi Discussion
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Re: Picture but no sound. Won't "read" antenna signal.
Ended up swapping out the mother board. problem solved.
- Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:50 am
- Forum: Mitsubishi Discussion
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Re: WD-73735 Dim after bulb change
Ballasts are a common failure as these sets age. You've swapped the lamp already, so swap the ballast nest. If problem still persists, suspect a bad lamp. There are lots of bad ones out there and you never know who may be pawning off crap for brand name merchandise.
- Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:47 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: HLT6187SX/XAA Problems
On the LED sets, the blue light is a MENU item. Look for settings and scroll around until you find the menu listing for it. Can't remember what they call it but it's not a good name. Like courtesy light or something. It has several options. On, off, always on, off when tv is on, always off, etc. Tha...
- Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:40 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Samsung drivin me nuts
The other possibility is heat. These sets are good at shutting off to protect themselves if anything is amiss. Are your fan blades dirty? Get 'em spotless. If they are clean, you might replace them (pretty cheap) ALSO the sensor ABOVE the lamp can go bad, so change that out too for a couple of bucks...
- Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:36 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: changing lamp manufacturer on HLS5687w
Probably not necessary, but if you must know it goes something like this: Start up the service menu (set off, press Mute, 182. power. If that doesn't work try Menu, 182 then power. Scroll down the left side listings of the service menu until you see I think Lamp? or something appropriate. hit Select...
- Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:31 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Samsung 5087 color wheel
Auto shut off can be a sign that the blue safety switch is either not triggered off correctly, or the switch is bad (less likely) Did you put the back cover on correctly????
- Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:27 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: LED DLP with puzzling behavior
Here's an update on this latest adventure. Swapped out the power supply for a good one from another set. Improved things slightly but did not fix. Tried a new LED driver board/assembly. No change in behavior I'm now going to change our the main "brain" or motherboard, as soon as I get one that has t...
- Fri Dec 02, 2016 8:32 pm
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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LED DLP with puzzling behavior
Okay, so I've fixed about 20 or so of the HL-S and HL-T series of Samsung DLP's. I've encountered some that were easy to fix and others that were a real PIA. Here's my latest challenge. I bought for next to nothing a "white dot" HL-T6187sx/xaa Samsung LED DLP. Swapped out the bad DMD chip for a new ...
- Fri Sep 23, 2016 1:58 pm
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Shuts off after 40 minutes
Many of us on this forum have encountered the "shut down" issue. Steps I would suggest taking are: 1. If the lamp is old, replace it with a good one. This may or may not fix the issue. Assuming it still shuts down, then 2. CLEAN the fans (there are two fans--I use Q-Tips soaked in Formula 409 to get...
- Thu Sep 01, 2016 6:17 pm
- Forum: Mitsubishi Discussion
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Picture but no sound. Won't "read" antenna signal.
I'm currently working on a WD73736 and a WD73734 both of which were curbside rescues (free). Since both have the same sort of issues, and I am a bit puzzled as to next steps, I thought I would post and ask for help. Here's what's been done so far. New ballast. New lamp in each. They both now produce...
- Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:57 pm
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Samsung/Viore DLP turns off after about 30mins
I had a friend once describe the Samsung DLP repair process as "swapatronics." You switch out a component and see if that's fixed it. The sets have a robust set of security features that are designed to shut off the set before anything bad happens, should anything "go out of parameter." Sounds like ...
- Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:48 pm
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: HLS-7178wx/xaa challenging problem
Well I contacted a couple of possible sources of circuit board repair and got no where. Luckily, the correct model board finally appeared on eBay. I swallowed hard and paid the $99 the seller wanted for a used main board. It came bare bones without any of the shielding etc. so I had a fun time caref...
- Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:37 pm
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Samsung drivin me nuts
If you have faith in the bulb, then chances are the ballast is again going bad. If the bulb was a cheapo version, you might suspect that first, only this time, buy a genuine branded version--osram or phillips you'll see recommended here. Yes they cost twice as much, but they last 5 time longer. As f...
- Mon Jul 04, 2016 3:08 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: HL-S6187W 3 blinking lights
Sorry to hear of your frustrations. If replacing the fans, lamp, ballast, power supply and color wheel haven't fixed it, you're left with an issue with the main board. I'd give a new/replacement main board a shot. OR call it a day, and put the parts up on eBay so some other Samsung DLP owner can per...
- Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:59 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: HL72A650 challenging problem
Well here's an update. Still no luck finding the correct main board available for sale, but as luck would have it, the servo repair business next door says they have a great circuit board repair guy in Chicago. So my next step will be to remove the main board from the 2 sets I have that are sufferin...
- Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:50 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Samsung HLS5687WX/XXA
I'd go for a new color wheel. Insufficient speed will stop the start up process quickly. Buy only a new color wheel, and take your time installing it. Slow and gentle is my rule. 10 years is a long time for all the consumable parts of this tv, but since your lamp is lighting up, I would give the bal...
- Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:40 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Samsung/Viore DLP turns off after about 30mins
If the replacement lamp is of good quality (Osram or Phillips) then I would first suspect the ballast. If you've got a 30 dollar bulb in there, that might be your problem. They only last about 9 months depending on how much your watch your tv. You're right, the fans may not be cooling the unit suffi...
- Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:32 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Noise but not from the color wheel
Well I took out the new color wheel I had installed, and put in a different new color wheel. Same sound. But maybe it's not a problem anymore. I sold it today for $250 and with any luck, it won't come back. It works perfectly fine, just makes some noise when "searching" for a signal/synch. Out of 20...
- Tue May 10, 2016 2:34 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: HLT6187SX/XAA Problems
There are LED drivers advertised on eBay and some of these have a picture of the unit in question. Search "Samsung LED driver" Please don't forget to post a reply once you've solved the problem with your set. We all learn a lot that way. Thanks!
- Thu May 05, 2016 2:40 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: HLT6187SX/XAA Problems
There's an easy way to check out your three LED Phlatlights (that's what the manufacturer calls the LED chip that lights up). Take a 9 volt battery. Unplug the connection to one of the three Phlatlights. Hold the two terminals of the 9 volt battery up to the two lugs on the Phlatlight. It will light...
- Thu May 05, 2016 2:31 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: HL72A650 challenging problem
Yep, I can confirm that the audio amplifier section is on the main board, because I jumped at the opportunity to buy a "nearly correct" signal board and when I swapped it out tonight, it made no difference. When I say nearly correct, it was something like a BP95-00444A and I needed a BP95-00444B but...
- Mon May 02, 2016 2:57 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Samsung HLs5687w
My suspicion is that there is dust/dirt/crud on one or more of the mirrors that the image passes through on the way to the screen. If you're confident that you've cleaned the front screen well, inside and out, then next take shot at cleaning the "first" mirror which is angled along the back cover of...
- Mon May 02, 2016 2:50 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Problem with DLP HELP
How many hours on the lamp? Was it a cheepo bulb or a good quality one? My initial suspicion is that you're going to need a new main board, because of the "won't turn off" issue. But many things to try first, like a new ballast.
- Mon May 02, 2016 2:46 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: FREE HL-S5687W.... yes, 100% FREE!!
AND let me offer to anyone who takes this set into his/her home, a free phone conversation or two or three to guide you through any repairs it may need. This is a wonderful quality set and too nice to let it go to waste so soon. Post a reply if you need to talk and I'll get my phone number to you, o...
- Mon May 02, 2016 2:39 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Issue with Samsung HLR-5078W. DMD Board?
Not every part you may need will be available new from the two big DLP parts and If not, eBay sellers offer tons of parts taken from used sets. Just be sure to match the part numbers. Let us know how it turns out.
- Mon May 02, 2016 2:35 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: HLT6187SX/XAA Problems
How many hours on your lamp? Buy a good quality lamp either OSRAM VIP or preferably Phillips. If that doesn't fix the issue, then it's the ballast. Not hard to replace and not expensive either. Just be sure to get the correct one based on part numbers. And while you've got the back cover off, clean ...
- Fri Apr 29, 2016 6:36 pm
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: HL72A650 challenging problem
Well to my embarrassment I should first correct the model number. It's a HLS-7178wx/xaa although it seems to me to be nearly identical to the HL72A650. I removed the "new" unit and re-installed the old one. Works just as it did before, picture is just fine, audio has no gain. Barely audible at 100%....
- Thu Apr 28, 2016 2:18 pm
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Samsung Power Issues
I think it's to Samsung's credit that they built into the brain of these sets, robust safety features. If anything is out of whack, these sets turn themselves off in order to protect the circuitry and components. The first thing I'd suggest you purchase is a very good surge protector. Voltage spikes...
- Thu Apr 28, 2016 1:57 pm
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Samsung HLs5687w
[quote][/quote] Okay, now I'm feeling guilty for not answering your initial question about access through the front screen. I've only done this once, and it was a pain. And I'm not sure I ever put things back together as Samsung did when they built the set. I had an on/off button that was depressed ...
- Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:30 pm
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Samsung HLs5687w
You'll notice I said nothing about cleaning in the "big zone" or the screen back and projection mirror. You really shouldn't need to clean these. But if you can't resist I would suggest fashioning a miniature floor mop with some kind of soft clothe at the end that will fit through the access holes o...
- Wed Apr 27, 2016 5:14 pm
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Samsung HLs5687w
Piece of cake. I've cleaned about 2 dozen of these wonderful sets, so I can speak with a little authority I guess. First off, you'll face nothing more difficult than screws and a few plugs and the beauty of what Samsung has engineered is this: the plugs are virtually idiot proof. They are "size spec...
- Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:43 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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HLS-7178wx/xaa challenging problem
Recently I was given a 72 inch Samsung DLP for free. I make a hobby out of fixing these fat old TV sets and then finding deserving people to turn them over to, usually just for the cost of parts. In this instance the set needed a new bulb. Done. But the audio volume was virtually non existent. Every...
- Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:32 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Models HLS5687 and HLP5663 problems
Black dots or white snow have only 1 cause and 1 cure. It's a bad DMD chip. The mirrors are freezing off (black) or on (white) Replace the DMD chip. You can see video tutorials on YouTube or at Although the part is not cheap, the procedure is pretty easy.
- Wed Apr 13, 2016 2:33 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Samsung HLT 6176s no picture
I agree, start with the ballast, but I would also start looking to find a DVI board for this set. If the bulb is lighting, the color wheel is spinning, and the fans are cooling, it seems like no video signal is reaching the DMD. that would point the finger at the DVI/analog board. You might try some...
- Wed Apr 13, 2016 2:27 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Noise but not from the color wheel
I'm hoping someone has encountered this issue before and perhaps can confirm my suspicions. I am in the process of refurbishing a HL-S6167wx/xaa. It needed a thorough cleaning, a new Phillips lamp, new capacitors on the power supply and a new "air bearing" color wheel. The color wheel turns silently...
- Sat Apr 09, 2016 2:17 am
- Forum: Mitsubishi Discussion
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Re: help
In case you're reading this years later than the original post, I would spend the money to buy a trusted lamp from a trusted source (Osram VIP bare bulb $65 or so) and see what happens. If problem still exists IT'S THE BALLAST 9 times out of 10.
- Sat Apr 09, 2016 2:06 am
- Forum: Mitsubishi Discussion
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Re: Mitsubishi WD-Y577 bad bulb?
I think 2000 hours out of a Phillips bulb is quite a bit on the low side. The one's I've encountered are most often failing closer to 6,000 hours than 2,000. The brightness of a Phillips or Osram VIP bulb is also noticeably better than a generic bulb. Shop around and buy a bare bulb. it's 5 minutes ...
- Sat Apr 09, 2016 1:58 am
- Forum: Mitsubishi Discussion
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Re: 60" WD-60735 Dark Bar on top
Since a previous owner may have replaced the DMD chip on your set, the DMD board may not be aligned properly. This will cause a black band across the top or bottom. I've encountered this once, and it took me a while to figure out how to correctly re-align the dmd board to fix it. In my case the boar...
- Sat Apr 09, 2016 1:49 am
- Forum: Mitsubishi Discussion
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Re: Mitsubishi 73638 Flickering Brightness
For just about $70 these days you can treat your set and your eyes to the best quality bulbs on the market, made by Phillips or Osram VIP. Given the life you're getting out of this set, it seems a reasonable investment. I was a skeptic about bulb quality for a long time, but after refurbishing almos...
- Thu Apr 07, 2016 2:29 am
- Forum: Mitsubishi Discussion
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Re: To Ballast or not to ballast?
With any DLP TV over 5 or so years old, you're going to want to install as much that's new as possible, IMHO. Obviously, thoroughly cleaning the set once you're inside it is the first smart step you can take. Since ballasts are famous for dying after about 5 years or so, putting in a new one is a go...
- Tue Mar 22, 2016 4:50 pm
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Diagnose HL-S7178
I agree--too nice a set to just toss. Although I was given one free of charge a year ago because the owner gave up trying to fix it. Color wheels for these sets are very difficult to find, although I suspect you might be able to use one from say a 61" set of similar chassis evolution. Swapping out c...
- Mon Dec 14, 2015 11:55 pm
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Samsung Dlp's Refurbished
There should be a Toshiba specific section for you to converse with other owners elsewhere on this forum. My experience is limited to only Samsung TV's I'm afraid. If you've replaced the lamp, and the ballast is working correctly, your next suspect would be the color wheel. You might try buying used...
- Mon Dec 07, 2015 4:08 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Not quite right on a HL-T6176
I replaced the DVI board and viola, everything worked like new. Never got to analyze whether digital or analog inputs made any difference. This was a "junkyard" recovery and the dvi board had been exposed to water/rain. Replacing it solved all problems. Set has found a new home and is working just f...
- Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:08 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Samsung Dlp's Refurbished
I have been refurbishing as many HL-S and HL-T version Samsung's as I can, saving them from landfills. I have a 72 inch, 2 LED driven 61's, a "thin" 61, an LED driven 50" and a couple more of these wonderful sets that are ready for new owners. If you will go to Craigslist Atlanta and search "Samsung...
- Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:54 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Black dots from wet screen / removing bottom panel
The front of the tv can be removed by carefully searching the perimeter of the set and un screwing all the screws that hold it into position. Many of these are deeply recessed hard to see unless you are in a well lit environment. However, looking at the image you provided, it seems to me that your D...
- Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:48 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: HLR6164W Shuts Down
Due to your mention of an "electrical event" with your power, I would check the capacitors on your power supply. Any bulging caps? Tops should be dead flat. Are you sure the blue safety switch is in the correct position? Or do you still have the back panel off? Ballasts are almost all the same acros...
- Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:09 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: HLR5667W Color Wheel Guide?
Vacuum those glass shards out with your shop vac. then clean with a vacuum and synthetic duster everything you can reach, and lastly, blow out any remaining the dust. Taking the time to do a thorough cleaning will pay dividends in the long run. Be especially thorough with the fan blades, using a wet...
- Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:03 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Parts for HLM507WX/XAA
Check eBay. It's doubtful Ssmsung would still carry these parts. As these sets die, they are being parted out by many folks.
- Sun Dec 06, 2015 4:56 am
- Forum: Samsung Discussion
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Re: Failed color wheel replaced, but now shuts down after 10
The blue safety switch is engaged by the back cover. Without the cover in position, your safety switch will trip the set to turn off almost immediately. either correctly install the back cover, OR trick the switch into thinking the cover is one with a piece of tape.