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Dat Phreakin' Amazing!

Joined: 06 Apr 2004
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Ah, I miss those years when I use to have cool costumes I found at the second hand or a garage sale(back than no one cared is you shopped there) Embarassed .

I use to be a Ninja Turtle Cool . THat was my costume for 5 years. I remember how the mask kept snapping ever 5 steps I took because the "designers" decided that since glue cant stick to rubber they would staple a rubber band to the mask it's self Mad .

Nearing the end of my trick or treating days, I was getting too big for my costume and second hand and garage sales weren't an option anymore so I just made my own costume . Along with 2 million other kids on my street I just dressed in black to make myself more volnerable to a car without headlights .I hated how these people would rubbed my crap costume in by saying "what are youu suppose to be?" Shocked

Candy collecting was getting worse and worse each year Sad , less and less people were celebrating this event, which makes me sad Crying or Very sad . I would like to see a bunch of little kids run from street to street collecting as much candy as possible like I once did Sad .

I guess this shows how cheap some people are getting. What a big bag of candy can be sold at zellers for... what $2.50 ? Or perhaphs kids are getting lazy. I mean Canada and USA are just about the only 2 countries that consider getting fat a heath issue . I think kids now realize that after halloween they can spend 5 dollars and get enough candy to last them the year Cool .

Im not sure how they figure that 5 dollars is better than trick or treating Confused . I use to get 3-4 garbage bags of candy, and I spend the rest of the night counting my prize, and trading with my friends Razz . Also it gave great bragging rights .

Gee I really miss the old halloween. Why I stopped? It's on a school night and my parents wont let me go out. Sad Now I do my homework beside the door and hand out candy to the deserving few who earn them by walking outside in flimsy cotton when it's like -10 below 0. They're really tough kids. Surprised

I just thought I like to share that with you. Wink Im getting carried away with these smilies

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Delicious Monster
Delicious Monster

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I remember streets filled with trick or treating kids. Now, they never come to my door! I wish they would I buy candy every year, and not the crappy hard candy you get at the grocery store. I'm talking candy bars n stuff.

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Dat Phreakin' Amazing!

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I miss that stuff too. It started when too many people were getting razors and stuff in their candy. Hospitals would xray the candy for you, but I can't imagine a kid wanting to eat it after the conversation:"Mommy, why are they putting my candy in the machine?""To make sure its safe.""SAfe, from what?""They are making sure there are no razor blades or needles in the Snickers bars, honey.""Ugh, they can keep it. I don't want it, in case they missed one."

Plus, the fear that people could use a syringe to put poison in the candy.

My wife and I got married on November 1, so we are usually gone away on Halloween.

I keep threatening my wife that I am going to convert the basement to a haunted house. My idea is this: Let the kids in the neighborhood start in the attached garage and be guided thru. It will be free. I will need to get friends to help out.

My haunted house would be Bible themed...I am a Bible Thumper ya know...I would have scenes from the Bible where scary things happened. Like Jezabells hadns getting eaten by dogs, Absalom hanging in the tree...that stuff. THen, they come fo a midpoint where they are asked to choose. One is to follow the Christian life, the other is to reject it.

The christian path shows scenes of how Christians have been persecuted (By the way, were you aware that many Baptists were tried as witches, especially during the Salem witch trials?), I would show how Satan attacks the christian, etc. scenes from John Bunyun's "Pilgrim's Progress" and "The Trail of Blood". The end would be a party, to represent the marriage supper of the Lamb.

The rejection path would be a journey through hell where you see scenes like the rich man who died and cried to Abraham to help. The end would be where a screaming demon chases the out of the house, and back into the front yard.

Yeah, I know, it is imposing my beliefs into the celebration, but it's MY party, and I am paying for it, so I'll do what I want.

Sensei Ern
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Delicious Monster
Delicious Monster

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I have always wanted to have a haunted house too, but mine wouldn't be Christian themed.

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Dat Phreakin' Amazing!

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Ginamonster, as a Wiccan, how do you celebrate Halloween? Also, what history about Halloween do you know?
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Delicious Monster
Delicious Monster

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Do you want the truth, or what I should be doing??

I usually get terribly drunk with my friends. This is my favorite holiday.

As Halloween is the Wiccan New Year, I celebrate (spiritually) in several different ways. I look forward to carving my pumpkin, and from that carving, I renew all my pumkin seed house protections. Then I roast and eat the remaining seeds. yum! This year I want to make pumpkin soup!
I honor my ancestors with happy thoughts. I would visit their graves but I rarely get around to that. Maybe if I have time, I will do that next year.
I consider the upcomming year and ponder my relationship with my dieties.
(this is bad) I giggle at the Christians who think Halloween is evil. (you wanted to know!!) But I try to understand that we are all a product of our upbringing, and thier feelings are not nessesarily invalid.
I run around and act generally snarky all day. I eat lots of candy and then wish I hadn't

I guess that's it in a nutshell. There are those who would disagree with the way I celebrate (Where is the midnight ritual???) but I'm a solitary for a reason.

I know a lot about the history of Halloween. Unfortunately the information is stored in an inaccssable part of my brain at the moment. I'm lost without my reference books! (they're in storage!!)If you ask me something specific, I should be able to answer you.

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Dat Phreakin' Amazing!

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While studying tarot way back when, I looked into spellcasting. The book seemed to be ludicrous. In the book there was a section about Halloweeen. It said that Halloween is thought to be so powerful for spellcasting because non-Christian dieties have a big bash since they are quelled the next day, because it is the night prior to the Holy Day, All Saints Day, a Catholic holiday. The book said Halloween is derived from All Hollow's Eve.

But, of course, if this were legit, then Christmas Eve, and Easter Eve would be extra powerful too.

How much can you verify?

Sensei Ern
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Delicious Monster
Delicious Monster

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In the old Religion, Halloween was known as Samhain and is one of the 8 major"holidays" throughout the year. it is a harvest festival and the time when everyone settles down for the winter. It is traditionally the time to celebrate when all the crops are in and there is no more work to do for the winter (except the spinning and the weaving) It is also known for being the night that the veils between the worlds are thinnest, and therefore the spirit world is a little closer. Hence the spookiness of it all.

The book you read does sound ludicrious, although the author could have been misinformed. The text on this stuff is better now, although there are still plenty of kooks. I do not read "spell books", preferring, if I am going to cast, to make up my own. It has more meaning for me that way. books however, are valuable tools, especially for a solitary like me. My rule on this is, if it sounds rediculous, it probably is.

The Catholic church, when they realized that they would not convince the peasants to quit celebrating Samhain, invented All Saints Day to counteract it. Halloween is one of the last of the pagan holidays that has not been taken over by Christian one.(see also May Day, also referred to as Beltane) It is not accident that many of the holidays coincide. When a new religeon comes in and converts the practitioners of the old (this happens will most new religeons, not just Christianity) Many of the old holy places are converted to reflect the new, as well as the old holidays converted to new. Makes the transition easier for everyone. Christmas and Easter are converted holidays (that is why there are people that insist that the actual events happened on different days)(also the actual day of some pagan holidays moves accrding to when the equinox and solstice occur.) and therefore pretty powerful, although not known as for the spell casting and such that is attributed to Halloween.

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The Wonders of Magic Shell

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I celebrate much like Ginamonster. Very Happy Yay!!

As for trick or treating: I lived (until a few months ago) in a neighborhood that flashes back to the old days...children, streetlights, everyone knows each other...about 120 houses in the subdivision. And trick or treat is GREAT!! Here is what we do (did). Kids get candy, adults get shots. Fun for the whole family. It is so much fun...and there are so many kids. The place I lived before that, my doorbell would ring like 3 times...and where I am now...it won't ring at all. *sigh*

"If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it."

~Captain Jack Sparrow
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Dat Phreakin' Amazing!

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It has to be something the community you live in agrees to do. Plus, you need to advertise, like having decorations and all. When I was a kid, my family went all out. The coolest thing was when my brother rigged so that when the kids rang, we opened the door, a pulley system dropped a full-sized sheeted ghost behind them. Kids nearly had heart attacks when they turned to leave.
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The Wonders of Magic Shell

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Our only decorating requirement is: Light on means you are in, light off means you are not. Old school. Wink

"If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it."

~Captain Jack Sparrow
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Dat Phreakin' Amazing!

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jennyko72 wrote:
Our only decorating requirement is: Light on means you are in, light off means you are not. Old school. Wink

haha so true!! But there are always times when you dont have candy and the lights are out and they STILL knock on your door like 6 billion times....punks...

Im going out as a transvestite this year, cheap costume , ill see if I can send a picture for you guys to see

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transvestite Shocked

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The Wonders of Magic Shell

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That rocks Charlie...we want pics!!!

"If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it."

~Captain Jack Sparrow
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Dat Phreakin' Amazing!

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Charlie, I recommend you do something else. Especially if you plan on pictures. Twenty years from now, Mary Hart on Entertainment Tonight will show it and ruin your acting career due to fan reaction. Unless, that is the lifestyle you want.

Sensei Ern
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Dat Phreakin' Amazing!

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charlie, that would be awkwardly funny, yet disturbing.

i'll be going to the green day concert at the patriot center on halloween.

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Dat Phreakin' Amazing!

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lol, dont worry I dont have acting planned.

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Dat Phreakin' Amazing!

Joined: 09 Feb 2004
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i LOVE Halloween! i think its the best holiday ever! i swear at 15 i would trick-or-treat still if only my mother would let me! i'm still gonna dress up this year, even if i can't trick or trest! my friends and i are just gonna run around the neighborhood in the dark in owr costumes

(i'm dressing up at Sally from the nightmare before christmas, BTW)
also, my friends and i are going to an old abandoned house behind owr nerghborhood, that should be fun.

Ginamonster, it sound like you have a lot of fun at halloween, thasts good.

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Dat Phreakin' Amazing!

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Dat Phreakin' Amazing!

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